I've got you.

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Third Person POV:
Carter awoke several hours later with tired, itchy eyes and an exhaustion that didn't seem to fade. She laid in bed for a few minutes adjusting to her surroundings as the 10 am sun peaked through the curtains. She wasn't sure why she was awake but it seemed as though she couldn't rest peacefully any longer. Peacefully, was the key word.

Slowly, she sat up, looking around her room. The dress from the night before that she was so excited to wear laid on the floor, a series of pillows beside it. Taking notice of her lack of company, she slid out of bed carefully. Walking towards to cracked door, she opened it and continued down the hallway, beginning her descent of the stairs.

Just a few steps in, her Mimi turned the corner of the living room and looked up, not expecting to see her. She, herself, was headed up to check on the young girl.

'Well there you are,' Mimi exclaimed softly,' I was coming to see you.'

Carter didn't say anything, maintaining her quiet demeanor from the night before as she took a few more steps down.

'Good morning, sweetheart.' The woman told her, lifting her into her arms when she paused at the second to last step.

Again, Carter did not respond. She simply moved to lay her head against her Mimi's shoulder while the woman rubbed her back swaying them a little.

'How about some breakfast? You didn't eat dinner last night.' Mimi suggested, more to herself than anyone.

Knowing she wouldn't get anything from the girl, she turned away from the stairs and walked to the kitchen. Unfortunately, this was not the first time she'd been in a situation like this, but it did give her the knowledge she needed to navigate it.

Looking in the cabinet she pulled an old sippy cup of Carter's out. Old wasn't necessarily the best description as the girl had used it on many occasions in the recent months. Nevertheless it was something Carter had owned for a long time, once used to ensure the spill-free drinking of the girl's juice, but now used to combat her lost attention at times like this.

Taking the lid off, the woman filled it with warm water hoping to soothe the girl's throat. It was bound to be sore after the hours of cries throughout the night. Scooping a spoonful of local honey and adding a little lemon juice, she put the lid back on and shook the cup carefully.

'Carter, honey. I've got something to help your throat.' Mimi said to warn the girl's attention.

While it may have failed in attracting willingness, it did get Carter to turn and take the cup. She had done this too many times to refuse. Satisfied with the response, the woman walked to the table where a bowl of dry cereal and some sliced fruit sat waiting. She set Carter down in the chair pushing it closer to the table, and kneeled in front of her to get her attention.

'I know you don't feel like eating but I'd like you to have at least a little bit of your breakfast. While you eat, I'm gonna go pack you bag for the weekend, and I want to come back to see some progress. I'm sure your Mama doesn't want to pick up a little girl that hasn't eaten in a day.' Mimi explained to the girl.

The mention of her Scarly took her notice, as she looked up at the woman in front of her.

'Now, before I go, is there anything specific you want me to pack other than BoBo?' She asked, receiving no response from the young girl.

Sighing, she stood up, walking away to pack a weekend bag just as she had said. Though, truthfully, it was more suited for a week-long trip. She wasn't entirely sure what they'd be doing or if anything could happen that would require so many outfit changes, but she would much rather the girl be prepared than wearing clothes that barely stayed on her body. Even if it was likely, she end up in Scarlett's sweater or hoodie.

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