Not Fair

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Scarlett's POV:
As much as I was living the snuggles, I knew our waitress would be coming back to take our order at any moment. Reluctantly, I pulled Carter away from me so I could see her face. She was not happy. In fact, I was met with the most adorable attempt at a scowl, her eyes narrowed at me and her lips forming a pout.

'I know, darling. But I need to know what you'd like to eat before the lady comes back.' I tried to sooth her, although the sad scowl assured me my attempt made no effort in placating her.

'Please, baby.', I continued, 'We can snuggle as soon as you tel me what you want.'

She huffed, clearly unhappy that I was holding her so she couldn't just cuddle back into me instead of answering. I looked at her softly, pleading for an answer with my eyes. She pouted her lips as she thought of a response. I struggled to not let out an audible 'awe' at how cute she was. God was this kid adorable. And she doesn't even try.

She looked back to me before slowly pointing, well more like poking my chest. It took a moment before it clicked in my head as I realized what she meant.

'You want me to pick for you?' I checked with her. She slowly nodded looking at me. It's safe to say she was exhausted from today. The only evidence I needed was clearly shown in her ever so slightly drooping eyes. Only slightly since she seemed to be fighting with herself and her body.

'Ok, how about just the classic beef tacos? That's what Rosie used to get.' I suggest and she just nods trying to move closer, ultimately whining in defeat when my hands don't budge from their placement on her hips.

I simply shush her pulling her into me to calm her nerves. While I hate to admit it, and I may never acknowledge it aloud, at least for the foreseeable future, her seeming dependence on me and attachment having grown so quickly does concern me. For someone so opposed to meeting me up to just over 24 hours ago, to now be so attached to the point of being upset due to my absence or insufficient physical comfort, it truly does worry me.

I understand the conversation Colin and I had, however it doesn't fully explain why a five year old would be struggling this much with attachment issues. Whether she knows it or not, the extent our relationship has developed to in such a short amount of time is unfortunately unhealthy.

I do not wish for it to stop though. I really do feel a strong connection to the little girl that's currently snuggled into my chest, as she plays with my hand. I just feel like I'm missing something major right now. Something that I will figure out, because it's proved a great impact on one of my babies and for that I must know what I have to protect her from.

Although, I will say she seems to be acting much more herself today, especially right now. Even if I've only known her for so long, I feel like I have a great way of reading her, it must be the maternal instincts I have for her.

Somehow they're much stronger than the ones I have for Rose. I blame her being a daddy's girl. Kid would not pick me first for any reason. She loves me and we still have our moments, and I wouldn't change her given the chance. I love her endlessly, and it just means I have to cherish our moments a little more.

But what I've learned so far is the true Carter is just a five year old who needs a little more love, some patience, and lots of cuddles. Physical touch seems to be her biggest need or love language. It provides her great comfort even in the simplest ways.

I've also learned that she's truly a shy little thing. Fairly quiet except for with Rose. They both have a soft spot for each other. It's cute. But Carter is quiet I think she's just like that. It's what makes her, well her, and boy do I love her. Every part of her. But especially this Carter. The real Carter. My Carter.

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