Pure Confirmation

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Ok, as it's not my preference, I never normally start my chapters with a note, however this is an important exception. Reading back as I started this chapter I realized I made a huge mistake. The first night and meeting, whether I clarified it or not, was meant to be Friday and the zoo Saturday.
Now, as I look back on the last two chapters I messed up in a way that I don't feel like changing the current updates to fix. So, we're gonna move this up a day, meaning they came over Saturday, zoo on Sunday, and it is now Monday morning.
Unfortunately this did greatly change my plans, but I'm just gonna readjust and the chapter that you would've gotten is just more of a fast forward.
For anyone wishing to know what would've happened Sunday, it was just a day full of movies, cuddles, and family time. Sort of a continuation of what we've seen as a filler before the more captivating chapters come. So lucky you, you're getting them early.
Scarlett's POV:
I held both of my girls tightly, as I soaked up some of the last cuddles I'd be getting for at least a week. With Rose gone at camp all day, and several late nights on set, I'd be lucky to get anything at all. It's an unfortunate norm for us, Rose and I that is, although it doesn't seem to affect her too much.

Rose is content and happy as long as we get to talk everyday and I couldn't be more glad our lifestyle still fits her need. I learned very quickly that Rose's love language is quality time. She loves nothing more than watching a movie or playing games together.

Yes, she loves our late night snuggles before bed, but I think it's mostly her cheeky way of getting to stay up later as we talk about our days. That or maybe that I cave sometimes and let her stay up longer to watch a movie just so I can hold her in my arms a little longer.

Our days when I'm working late are usually paired with the routine goodnight conversations, just over the phone sometimes, and her chosen story of the night. If we can't watch a movie, she'll gladly convince me to tell her a couple stories until she falls asleep.

As for Carter, she's going back to her routine too and, as far as I know, it revolves around going to daycare everyday where either her Mimi or her Uncle pick her up and watch her until Colin finishes work. Or she just stays with them. Which is the case half the time.

Colin had mentioned to me prior to this weekend what her normal looked like. The more I think about it, the more I find it concerning how little time he actually spends with her. And to think that he's taken even more time away from her to spend the night or even the weekend here with me, and sometimes Rose. It truly makes me wonder what he actually dedicates to his daughter if he's away all the time living his 'own life'.

I tried to ignore my thoughts as I refocused on my girls and the present moment. As I ran my hands through their hair and rubbed their backs, I could feel them relax. The soft sound of their fading sniffles covering the previously awkward silence of the room I entered. Looking to my left, I caught a glimpse of the time, remembering the reason we woke up earlier today.

'Alright, my loves, we gotta get up. You two need a bath since you didn't get one last night.' I told them slowly sitting us all up. Rose whined some as she was beginning to fall back asleep. She pulled away to pout at me, obviously trying to show her momentary distaste with me.

Though I knew it was simply because she was comfortable. Rose loves baths. Always has and I'm sure she always will. I think it's mostly because we don't have time for them often so they're fun when we do.

Originally I planned to have them both shower individually, but I wasn't sure Carter was here enough to wash herself, or at least go unsupervised. So, if she was getting a bath, there were bound to be complaints about the fairness of the situation if I forced Rose to shower.

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