New experiences

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Carter's POV:
'Ha, I win. I finished first!' Rose exclaimed while wiping her mouth.

'What? That's not fair. You're bigger. I'm done.' I whined.

'You still have a pancake left.' She pointed out.

'I'm full. My tummy hurts. So I finished first since I'm done.' I complained.

'Nuh uh. You're not done because you've got chocolate on your face.' She smiled pointing to the side of my mouth.

'No I don't.' I told her, hoping she wasn't right.

'Yes, you do silly. It's right here.' She said bringing her finger to my cheek in an attempt to touch it, but I turned my head away.

'I'll get it for you.' She suggested while trying to wipe it off but I wasn't gonna let her win that easy so I kept moving.

'Stop moving Silly. I can't wipe your face if you don't stay still.' She smiled. I smiled back cheekily and continued moving before she sighed and dropped her hands. I stopped and looked at her smiling at my success so far. Then she set the napkin down and put her hands on either side of my face smooshing it ever so slightly. She smiled, giggling softly.

'Now, you look funny.' She giggled. I reached my hands up and copied her actions smooshing her face a little.

I smiled laughing a little too, 'You do too.'

She smooshed my face a little more making me do fish lips and laughed making me giggle. Then, she made funny faces at me and I couldn't help the fit of laughter it threw me into. When I calmed down slightly, she pretended to bite my hand and I squealed pulling my hands away before we made eye contact, and we both laughed, causing her to drop her hands.

We didn't even notice dad getting up to take all the dishes to the sink, and Scarly making her way around the table. I could faintly hear a 'looks like we've got some giggle monsters this morning' from one of them.

Rose and I recovered from our laughter a little just kind of smiling at each other hoping it wouldn't send us back into our giggles. That was until I felt a gentle hand lifting my chin so my head was facing up. I met the eyes of a smirking Scarlett, and sighed having my final moments of my laughter fade away.

'You do have chocolate on your face, baby.' She said a reached for a napkin before gently wiping my face. I couldn't help but stare at her. Loving how soft she was with me, but also somewhere in the back of my mind wondering why.

'There, all better.' She announced smiling at me. I smiled back and she leaned down to kiss my nose. It kinda tickled so I moved my nose to fight the feeling.

'Hey, she does the nose scrunch like Aunt Lizzie!' Rose exclaimed. Who?

'She does doesn't she?' Scarly said, looking back at me with a smile. I tilted my head in confusing, furrowing my brows.

'And she does the head tilt like Dodger!' Rose squealed.

'Yeah, she's just too cute.' Scarly said, cooing at me with a small pout. She ran her hand through some of my hair, tracing my face slightly. It felt really nice. Almost comforting to be there with her. To have her attention. It felt as if everything would be ok. And it was in the moment. A moment I secretly hoped would last forever. A family. I had a family. Well, I hope I do. The moment was interrupted by none other than my father.

'Alright monkeys, we need to have a little family meeting.' He said while sitting in his seat. Scarlett smiled at me before walking around the table and taking her own seat. I found myself staring at her as she walked and could hear the millions of thoughts rushing through my mind.

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