Taken In

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~With Kenji~

One day, I was starving and I had to find something to eat. My shelter was a small tent and many hobos tried to steal it, but I always fought back.

I still needed to eat and I found some bread over on that stand right there. I decided to clean myself off a bit to not look suspicious and approached the stand with caution, making sure that no cops spotted me.

I snatched the bread as quick as I can, but I was caught by the stand owner!

Owner: おい! あなたはそれを支払うつもりですか! (Hey! Are you gonna pay for that!)

I smiled with innocence, but he seemed to know what was going on.

Owner: 500円! (That costs ¥500!)

I then ran off, avoiding the confrontation with the guy and he already alerted the cops. Once they were after me, I ran as fast as I could through the crowd, trying not to knock people down.

Eventually, I was caught stealing the bread by the cops. They were going to detain me, but I heard someone call out to us.

?????: 保持します。 (Hold on.)

We looked back and we saw this man with this flashy suit with a bodyguard and I knew who it was: the most notorious Yakuza leader in all of Tokyo, Jin Odate, boss of the Odate-Kai.

This guy is known for his gang's brutal reputation that whenever a job wasn't done correctly, he would literally either have his boys chop their pinkies off at the first joint, or he kill them without them knowing.

Officer 1: 大館さん。 それはあなたに会えての名誉です。 (Odate-san. It's an honor to meet you.)

Odate: この子供は何をしましたか? (What has this kid done?)

Officer 2: 私たちは彼を盗難のために拘留されています。 彼は空腹だったかもしれませんが、彼はすべてのものが支払われるべき価格を持っていることを知っているべきです。 (We're taking him into custody for theft. He might've been hungry, but he should know that all things have a price that should be paid for.)

Odate: 彼が行かせましょう。 私は彼のパンのために支払います。 彼に自由にさせるのにいくらかかりますか? (Let him go. I'll pay for his bread. How much does it cost to let him free?)

Officer 1: 耳を傾ける、大使館さん、彼は刑務所に行きます。 (Listen, Odate-san, he's going to jail and there's no way we're letting him go.)

Odate: 私はあなたに250,000円を合わせました。 (I'll give you two ¥250,000 combined.)

Officer 2: それからここに行きます。 (Then here you go.)

They got the cuffs off of me and before I could say thank you, one of the officers pushed me to the ground headfirst and I felt blood coming down my face.

Jin saw the blood and he was so pissed at them that he had to check me.

Jin: あなたは大丈夫、子供? (You alright, kid?)

Me: ええ。 私は元気です。 逮捕された開いただけです。 (Yeah. I'm fine. Just got busted open.)

Jin: 私と一緒に来てください。 私はあなたのパンの代金を支払うためにあなたを連れて行きます、そしてそれから私はあなたを私の本社に連れて行きます。 (Come with me. I'll take you to the stand to pay for your bread, and then I'll take you over to my headquarters.)

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