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(A/N: So, I had to edit this out because apparently r a p e is not allowed anymore according to Wattpad, so I had to replace that word with assault and change things up a bit.

I hated editing it, so don't expect me to put stuff like that in my stories ever again.

So with that said, Wattpad, suck my pubic hair for all I fucking care!)

~With Masami~

I was sitting down and watching some TV, to pass the time, and then all of a sudden, I heard a knock on my door.

I don't know who it is, but before I could get up and answer it, in came my ex, Takaaki.

Takaaki: あなたは美しい。 (You look beautiful.)

Me: そして、あなた自身もあまり良く見えません。 (And you don't look so good yourself.)

Takaaki: マサミ、それは真実ではないことはわかっています。私たちは常にお互いに運命づけられていました、知っていますか?あなたの父親も承認し、あなたの家族も承認しました。 (Masami, you know that's not true. We were always destined for each other, you know? Your father approved, and your Family approved.)

Me: 私たちは一緒になるつもりはなかった、タカアキ。あなたはクソ野郎だったし、これからもそうだった。それがあなたと別れた理由です。 (We were never meant to be together, Takaaki. You were an asshole, and always were. It's the reason why I broke up with you.)

Then, he slapped me so hard it stung!

Takaaki: 誰が私と別れたなんて言ったのよ!それは決して公式のものではありませんでした。 (Who said you broke up with me! It was never official.)

Me: 言う必要はありません- (I don't have to say-)

And he slapped me again, this time even harder!

Takaaki: 口答えするなよ、ビッチ!高橋の売春婦だよな!もしそうなら、彼が得て私が得られないものは何でしょうか? (Don't talk back to me, bitch! You're Takahashi's whore, aren't you! If so, what does he got that I don't?)

Me: それは間違っていますが、まず第一に、彼は忠実です。そして2つ目は、聞いたところによると... (You're wrong about that, but for one, he's loyal. And two, from what I heard...)

I then smirked at him before crushing his ego...

Me: ...彼はもっと大きなペニスを持っています。(...he's got a bigger dick.)

Takaaki: 売春婦になるつもりなら、売春婦にしてやる!(If you're gonna be a whore, I'll make you a whore!)

He then looked to grab me and bend me over the table, but with quick thinking, I kicked him below the belt, pushed him away, grabbed the gun from my drawer, and aimed it at him.

Me: 出て行け、戻ってくるな、クソ野郎。 (Get out, and don't come back, you son of a bitch.)

Takaaki: まさみ- (Masami-)

Me: 出て行け!!! (GET OUT!!!)

He smiled and looked to leave, but as he walked out, he said...

Takaaki: またすぐにお会いしましょう。そしてあなたのそのお尻は?まだ完璧です。 (I'll see you again soon enough. And that ass of yours? It's still perfect.)

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