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~With Kenji~

So far, many of the jobs that Odate-San had made me do were money laundering, serving our community, and giving some starving kids some food however we can.

Jin is not like most bosses, he always said that people outside the organization come first, whether it's children or young adults. He also made an unwritten rule and that's no Yakuza is allowed to have an Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter account.

The reason is because he believes if one picture of a Yakuza Tia on any of these social media platforms, they're finished. They're not allowed to be involved anymore.

Hell, he would kill if anyone put out anything on social media regarding Odate-Kai and its way of how business was done. Jin even put hundreds in the ground after finding out they had Twitter accounts.

I even bought two phones: one for social and one for business. The social one is for text messages and all that shit, but the business one is for business calls and making sure that it was strictly about Odate-Kai and its business with other deals and whatnot.

I don't even have one single social media account on my socializing phone because I want to keep Odate-Kai a secret. From what I know, the Yakuza organizations are disappearing because there are laws now where police and authority figures are cracking down on criminal trades and other things.

Although I was told to be in Jin's office for a meeting, I had to see what he's got.

When I walked in his office, I saw that Masami was here, surprisingly.

Jin: 座って、ケンジ。 (Sit down, Kenji.)

Masami was sitting down at her father's desk and I did as well, waiting for the mission.

Jin: 今、あなたは高尾kaiと私たちの競争を知っています、ケンジはありませんか? (Now, you know about our rivalry with Takao-Kai, don't you, Kenji?)

Me: はいサー。 (Yes sir.)

Jin: それからあなたはこれを好むかもしれません、私たちの人たちの中には高尾グミのための兵士と一緒に戻ってきて、彼にいくつかの情報がありました。 彼が彼からそれを出してみるためにあなたを2人必要ですが、彼が私たちに何も伝えていることを拒否したら、あなたは彼を殺すために開かれています。 (Then you might like this, some of our guys came back with a soldier for Takao-Gumi and had some information on him. We need you two to try and get it out of him, but if he refuses to tell us anything, you have the open to kill him.)

Masami: 問題ない、父。 (No problem, father.)

Jin: そして彼が私たちに何かを与えることを確認してください。 彼がいない場合は、彼に少し拷問を受けます。 彼に彼の顔や胸へのキックを彼に与えることを恥ずかしがらないでください。 (And make sure that he gives us something. If he doesn't, torture him a bit. Don't be shy to give him a punch or a kick to his face or chest.)

Me: はい、上司。 そして彼はどこにいますか? (Yes, boss. And where is he?)

Jin: 彼は私たちの地下にバーの下にあります。 あなたは彼が何かを試みることを注意してください。 (He's in our basement down below the bar. You might wanna gear up in case he tries anything.)

Me: 私たちはすでに心配しないでください。 (We already are, don't worry.)

Jin: 私はあなたを信頼し、ケンジ。 (I trust you, Kenji.)

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