Ch. 4

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"This doesn't feel real," said Elias while he slightly shook his head. I quickly pinched him.
"Ow," he said.
"It's real," I confirmed.

"How are you here honestly? And look at you..??" He quizzically gestured to me. "You grew even in your sleep. How is that possible?" He was mind-blown.

"You know," I started seriously, "It was like I was in a dream. I could hear everything. I could smell it. I could just about picture it. It was like I had my own world and then there'd be darkness. It's like I was in & out," I finished.

He was stunned; he could only nod (& make weird facial expressions) trying to process everything I'd told him.

"So you heard when we would speak to you & the commotion on the battlefield?" He asked.
"Yes," I said.

"Well, shit. I bet everyone's dying to see you right now," his smile faltered after. A moment of silence enveloped the room.

"I'm sure everyone would be glad to know I made it back to you, back home where I belong." I reassured him, knowing we'd surely have taken some losses from the pack. I gasped.

"Wait! What happens now?" I questioned. "It's going to take time to recoup. Elias, you were hurt," I suddenly remembered. I sized him up.

"I'm fine. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead. How did you get there though? It amazes me," he said in awe. Then anger shown, "Why the hell would you jump in front of a bullet for me? You should let me take those bullets for you!" He flipped his tone so quick.

I gave him a knowing look. "Pft. It goes both ways. We protect each other. Better me than you in that case." I folded my arms and stared at him.

"Fine," Elias caved. "But none of this still seems real to me," Elias said again. "Don't pinch me," he warned, certain that I would pinch him again.

"We should have a bonfire tonight," I suggested, "after we all go on a hunt. Have soup and comfort each other?"

"Perfect," Elias replied. "You can even say a few words if you like." He caressed my hair and held his lingering gaze on me before turning away.

As usual, he left before me. I tried to find something more suitable to wear so I searched through his clothes and stumbled upon a sweat shirt and compression shorts. I took them with no hesitancy; I quickly changed & made my way to the door.

The tree that I planted long ago was still standing and reproducing. I plucked a ripe apple to take on my walk.

It's been so long. Nostalgia washed over me. I remembered it all. I inhaled the scents of the woods, letting the memories flood my mind. They overtook me for a moment but I quickly pulled myself together again and went on my way to the pack house, discarding the apple core on the way.

I could hear the rumbling of the ground, the sound of metal clanging, the voices of my people in training. The outside area was teeming with wolves. There must have been a panmixia or something; there were more little children than I imagined. Grown ups too. Elias had welcomed so many.

The pack house had even grown bigger. They must have added on for the growth. A bright smile escaped my lips. Elias always dreamed of returning glory to his pack.

Chatter drifted in the air. I braced myself for this again. To be with them. To answer their questions. To comfort them.

The children split past me in their friendly play, earning them a warning from an adult. She smiled at me before turning around to her station.

There was a group training behind the field. It looked like the pack could almost give the Lycans a run for their money.

Thud! "Ow," I rubbed my temple.
"I knew it was you," a voice said. I looked up to see a blonde siren.
"Sierra?" I questioned.
"In the flesh baby," she reached out to me. I took her hand and pulled myself up.

"I never expected to bump into you," I said.
"You'd see me at some point," she said. "Elias told us about your idea—the hunt. Are you joining too?"

"Yes, why wouldn't she?" A voice sounded from behind me. I remembered that voice.
"Liam!" I shouted. "What are you doing here?"
"Just here keeping an eye on things," he replied. "Come here." He pulled me in for a tight hug.

"I can't believe it's you," I said.
"Everything seems unbelievable right about now," he laughed.
"Ahem," Sierra coughed.
"Yes, I must handle sanitary," Liam stated. "I will be back for the hunt. Go see them; they'll be more than happy to see you." Liam pat my arm twice before leaving.

Sierra spoke up to reassure me before walking away, "They're all waiting. I'm sure they're happy too."

Step by step, I marched toward the entrance, passing many members on the way in. My eyes darted through the place.

The smell hit me immediately. It was just like I remembered. Sweaty and hairy. Something I didn't miss.

"Little miss?" Tray asked.
"One & only," I replied.
"Good to have you back kiddo," he hugged me. "Hey everyone!" He announced, "Kennedi is back!"

Gasps fled the house and loud chants ensued thereafter. They were happy to see me, yet some of them didn't even know me.

"It's good to be back," I mustered. I felt that was good enough. And so did they, for they cheered for me.

My childhood friends surrounded me at once, blabbering about everything simultaneously. Chase, Manny, Zoe, Benny, & Jay tore me apart in the group hug. They almost squeezed the life out of me.

"I can't breathe," I wheezed. We caught up to the best of our abilities before everyone departed to tend to their duties. There was so much to take in but I was glad.

I went with some of the teens to the kitchen to try and help. I was in control of cooking the stew since it was my idea. I found what I needed and gave it to Tray to place outside in the fire.

A signal sounded, earning a few howl. I knew it was time for the hunt. I followed everyone outside.
I was in amazement. Our hunting party was never this big. Members were shifting in groups by the twenty. Elias gave his commands, then the betas laid out the groundwork for the hunting plan.

When the Betas were finished, Elias shifted finally. His howl set them loose. The stampede of wolves set out into the forest looking for prey. Elias strode over to me in his wolf form. I was always mesmerized whenever I saw that form.

His silky black coat sparkled at the tips in the light. He snuffed at me.

"Aren't I getting too old to ride your back?" I questioned. He snuffed again. I set aside the matter & climbed onto his back.

"It's just like the old days," I basked. We didn't follow any certain group. Elias went his own way. I waited around in the forest while he checked out what was beyond.

The rustle of the nearby bushes alarmed me. "Elias?" I quietly stepped toward the bushes.


I screamed at the voice coming from behind me.
"Are you nuts?" I shrieked.

"Sorry," Sierra apologized with a laugh. "You shouldn't wander off by yourself. Not safe."

"I'll be just fine," I affirmed.
"If you insist," Sierra said as she took a leap, transforming into her other form midair.

I was alone again. Nothing in sight but trees and I would hear the occasional leaves and thumps on the ground. Knowing they were busy, I bided my time in the area.

"They don't keep a good enough eye on you," he said.

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