double senior nights

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this morning sophie was at topangas in a booth studying for he finals when topanga came from the back holding four plates.

sophie got up quickly noticing her struggle and took two plates that were bound to fall. "oh, thank you sophie." she sighed in relief and they put the plates on the counter.

"no problem." sophie smiled

"what you working on over there?" topanga asked looking at all sophie's papers

"oh just studying for finals. studied so hard i'm seeing numbers everywhere. and i mean everywhere. your eyes look like the number 8." sophie told her making the women laugh as she blinked a few times.

"oh i remember when i did my finals. cory and shawn were very distracting while studying. they just wanted to do anything else." topanga remembered with a sigh

"i would think so." sophie laughed along

"oh- by the way we're driving up to philly for josh's last basketball game." topanga told sophie and her eyes lit up at the mention

"oh yeah, his senior night he told me about it." sophie recalled from their facetime last week. 

"well would you like to come?" she asked sophie, already knowing her answer

sophie started nodding with a smile "yes. i'll text jessie, but she's probably busy helping bertram prepare for his solo performance at the metropolitan opera." sophie said with a shrug pulling her phone out her pocket. sophie looked up at topanga and she was pretty confused "yeah i know long story."

after texting jessie, sophie cleaned up all her papers and when cory, riley and auggie got to topangas they all piled in there car.


when the five got to josh's school, which was john adams high, they all went to the gym and found some seats with his parents. "oh sophie, it's nice to see you again." amy smiled at the girl opening her arms with a warm smile

"hi mrs matthews, its nice to see you too." sophie told her, giving her a hug.

"oh i told you call me amy." she said as sophie sat down and nodded

since it was senior night they had a whole ceremony for their seniors. after the cheerleaders, the players walked through some balloons and the captains were first. all of josh's family were walking with him so sophie got pictures for amy without josh seeing her.

"and now number 24, one of our captains joshua matthews." sophie— along with the entire gym cheered for the boy as he walked down the court.

once the ceremony was over they cleaned off the court and the game started.


it was now the 4th quarter with 5 minutes left and josh had 15 assists and dropped 55 points.

sophie only knew these terms cause when she found out he played basketball she started watching the knicks and the 76ers games.

at one point josh had just gotten fouled hitting the ground quite hard on his hip. it took him a minute to get up and when he finally did everyone clapped for him. he stood at the free throw line making all three of his shots in with ease even with the pain in his hip.

the score then stood at 125-120 with john adams high in the lead.


when the game came to an end, josh's team won with him making the game winning shot with the buzzer going off a second later and everyone started jumped up cheering.

everyone walked down the bleachers to the court and after josh left his teammates and greeted his parents he seen sophie beside riley.

"sophie?" he exclaimed with a smile and immediately tackled her in a hug making sophie stumble back slightly

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