home for the holidays

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it was christmas time, sophie's favorite time

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it was christmas time, sophie's favorite time. the girl was currently walking the streets of new york to the matthews apartment to drop off some gifts and cookies she made with her younger sister zuri before she left for her christmas trip to hawaii.

she also had her camera around her neck as she took pictures of things she found beautiful as she walked, it was for her photography class project.

while in the lobby pressing the third floor she see three people rush through the lobby, trying to make the elevator so sophie quickly held her hand out so the elevator doors would go back. 

the family of three smiled gratefully at the young girl as they rushed in the elevator. "oh thank you sweetheart." the man thanked with a relieved smile.

"no problem. what floor?" she waved off as they caught their breath.

"uh the 3rd i think. we haven't been here in a while." the women explained.

"oh perfect, we're going to the same floor." she told them as she set the big bag of gifts down beside her.

"are you visiting?" the man asked her.

"kinda, im just dropping off a few gifts for the two family i babysit." sophie explained and they nodded with smiles.

"oh that's so sweet. i'm amy this is my husband alan:" amy introduced them looked at her son expectantly,

"i'm josh." he introduced with a small smile.

so the cute boy does speak, sophie though to herself. "i'm sophie. it's nice to meet you."

sophie watched as josh looked at her outfit, his eyes settling on her shoes. her new dark green adidas sambas.

"thanks. early christmas gift." she said with a smile, getting a smile back from the cute boy.

the elevator dinged and josh and sophie looked away from each other as the doors opened "it was nice to meet you guys." sophie smiled walking out first while picking up her bags.

"you too sweetie." amy smiled and sophie waved while heading to the morgenstern household.

she babysat a little girl names ava whose parents fight all the time. ava loved when sophie would come and babysit because she could just escape the yelling she heard too often.

knocking on the door, sophie was met with avas mom judy. "oh hello sophie." she said a bit out of breath and covered in spices.

from the smell sophie could piece together that she was making christmas dinner. "hi judy. i just wanted to drop something off for ava" sophie said and as if on cue the same blonde girl ran up to the door with a smile.

"sophie!" she squealed running to hug the older girl.

"hey ava, i got you something." sophie told her bending down to her height.

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