ski lodge

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SOPHIE HAD BEEN in collage for a little over two months and it had been going pretty good for her. she's taking five classes and currently for one of them she was working on a project she was assigned this morning.

she had to create a whole new brand. she honestly really liked the idea and was having a lot of fun making her brand.

she was sitting at her desk locked into her assignment when cassie stood up. "alright i have class in like 15 minutes. i'll see you later." she said, heading for the door.

"bye cass!" sophie called out, pushing hair out of her face.

"oh look at that. your boyfriends here." cassie sung as she passed josh with a quick greeting.

"hi babe." she could hear as josh walked over. she gave him a quick nod as she finished her 3rd slide.

"alright. i can officially take a break." sophie said closing her computer and turning to josh who held her new, new york breakfast. a cream cheese bagel with cut up cucumbers on top and a dunkin' donuts strawberry dragonfruit refresher.

"does that mean your wonderful, thoughtful boyfriend gets a better greeting?" he asked, making her smile.

standing, she said. "hi baby." she said kissing him and taking the food.

"how long jave you been working?" josh asked, taking a seat on her bed.

"like an hour and a half. i only have one class later so i have a ton of time." sophie explained as she took a sip of her drink and began taking her bagel out the bag.

"alright- oh pack your bags!" he exclaimed, scaring her slightly.

"what? why?"

"you and me are going to mount sun lodge." he stated as she sat back down in her desk chair, spinning to face where he sat on her bed.

"again. what? why?"

"cory and topanga invited me to be a volunteer for cory's class trip. they told me that if you wanted too, you could come along and watch the kids with me."

thinking it over, she smiled. "i'm in. i can do all my next assignments on my computer when i have time."

standing, he smiled. "yes! we're gonna have so much fun." he said, bending down to kiss her. "it's like our first trip together."

"with your brother, his wife and your brothers entire freshman class?" she asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"it's a trip together nonetheless." he said, making her laugh.

"wait whose watching auggie. it's usually me." she asked, eyes widening in concern.

"ava's mom is watching auggie. relax soph, remember your slowly moving away from babysitting to focus on collage. cory and topanga know that and they get it. so this is gonna be a stress free trip. so leave the homework."

"it's not stress josh. my homework is fun. i love being a fashion major. wanna hear about my new project?"

nodding with a loving smile, josh sat listening to sophie tell him about her new brand. josh loved listening to her talk. he loved everything about her honestly. seeing her talk about something she's so passionate about, like fashion and dance. it just warms his heart to hear it and watch her eyes sparkle and her smile brighten.


"you know she's going to be flirting with you."

sophie and josh stood in the hallway of abigail adams high school before they joined cory and his class.

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