It means "No worries"

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**Loid's POV**

It was a good call that I interpreted that ketchup writing on the door as a warning. We got to escape before the Secret Police arrives and let them handle this bomb.

Another part of this mission is for me to dress up as the man who is targeted himself, Minister Brantz.

"Minister. The cars are ready, let's have you at the State guest house. Some officers are present there waiting for you." A staff informed me.

Soon I faced Yor's brother, I guess we have the same mission but only I was playing as the imposter in his view to trick them and avoid suspicion. To do that, I must be in complete personality of Brantz...

"All of you may go home to your families. I'll drive myself there."

I said as I took the car they prepared. I rush inside and didn't bother to see how they will react because surely, I know they are in shock.

I drive according to the planned route with the Secret police leading the way for now until Keith shows up.

"The kid is not in the view yet... Must be using the dog for the scent in my clothes or should I say-- The Minister's clothes. Quite a smart kid..."

A little while later, Keith comes in the route behind me and I immediately lure him into a trap where the other agents are set to take him down.

"That's the coupe, confirmed! We got him, Twilight! Head to Bravo 4!" The old man buzzed me.

It's the signal for their turn to attack. This totally reminds me of how I started as a Spy in training with Dawn. We used to just lure or seduce targets in missions. I definitely got in a fight with Dawn about it because we kept screwing up the mission because none of us would like to get physical with a target.

"TWILIGHT! THE KID IS NUTS! HE'S ON YOUR WAY!" The old man buzzed me.

I got off the car and take cover, as soon as Keith sees me I am luring him in a place that's away from the public to avoid casualties since the dog still has the bomb on it.

Keith decided to stayed in the car as he released the dog on me. I tried shooting it's harness to remove the bomb from the dog, but as suspected, he got some military experimented dog which challenged me to shoot it without killing it as it dodges when I just aim the gun. Keith must be thrilled to see this happen.

When I got in an alley by the river just in case the bomb goes off, the dog made a move which gave me the perfect opportunity to shoot the bomb away, catch the bomb, and temporarily cage the dog in a dumpster...

I noticed the light on the bomb that rapidly blinks to indicate a near exploding signal, I threw it to the river soon and the bomb exploded in just a second.

"That was a very close call... You could've died too." I face the dog.

I could've died tragically and leaving my family by themselves with no father in the line.

Dying is the least thing I would want especially now that me and Y/n are trying for a child...

I wonder how are things will go in her mission? I hope she gets home safely and soon so that she wil get rested.

I already had a bad feeling basing from her condition before she goes for her mission.

Please stay strong for us, my wife....

(Kemono Park)

The Handler, the old agent, and I gathered back in the pet shop again to conclude the mission about the student terrorists.

Surrender: SpyXFamily (Loid Forger x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now