5. He Legit Hates me

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Hawks' POV

I landed on my bed with thud and yawned. We ended up doing nothing of what Rumi planned, we just ate. Which is amazing because my budget is running very low. I honestly need to get money. I also have to pay for a bunch of other shit. Whatever I'll think about that later.

At the lunch break thing, we pretty much just made acquaintance with Fuyumi and learned shit about eachother. One thing that stood out was that she seemed very nervous. Oh yeah and she also said once again to give talking to Touya (which I'm only calling him by his first name because I know both Todoroki's) a chance. I guess I will, but I don't think he is going to be nice. For some reason. I mean I can't talk to him right now, cause he isn't here. Can't talk to someone that's not there, I would look schizophrenic.

I stared at the ceiling. Wait what the fuck am I supposed to talk about?

Touya's POV

This bitch was really going into it this. I mean yeah we have arguments all the time, but this bitch is literally spam texting me an argument. It isn't very meaningless insults either, like he straight up told me to kill myself. And he wonders why I'm suicidal. Fucking idiot. I parked my car. I really tried not to look at the messages since I was driving but I caught glimpses of them. I don't want to see them now either.

I got out the car grabbing my things. Just a backpack full of stuff. I also got a box or 2 in there as well but I don't want to do that now. I went into the corridors up to the top where my  dorm is. I opened it to find Hawks there, which is only bad because I'm upset right now and I don't want to end up bursting or bursting into flames.

"Hey," He said with a smile.

"Hi," I glanced and put my bag down.

"So uh..  what did you do today?" He asked awkwardly. I felt the vibration of messages in my pocket.

"Please don't talk to me right now," I asked in all honesty. Plus I'd rather not tell the truth about what actually happened.

"Ummm, okay?" He cringed and sat down. I started aggressively unpacking all my stuff. I tried to stay calm while I unpacked, trying not to get pissed at the smallest things. The last it item I took out very carefully because it was glass. I gently put it on my desk though my angry demeanor. He poked up from behind me. "That looks really pretty," he said.

"Yeah," I stated. "It is." It was this snow globe with a burned flower in the middle with golden flakes. My mom gave it to me before she went to the mental hospital. Before she stopped talking to me.

"Can I touch it?" He asked.

"No," I moved the globe away from him. I don't let anyone touch this, absolutely no exceptions. "I don't like people touching it."

"Oh okay," he shrugged. He took one last glance and then sat down again. "Are you going to the orientation?"

"Yeah..." I trailed. "It's required." I'd rather not but I guess I have to.

"Oh, I didn't know that," he said and looked to the ground.

I rolled my eyes unintentionally. I out the bag that was left in my closet and sat on my bed. I felt the big wad of money in my pocket. I pulled it out and counted it out of boredom.

"Why do have so much money on you?" Hawks asked me in a confused, with a small amount of... annoyed or disgusted, face.

"Textbooks," I said. "You know how I specifically told you not to talk to me?" I counted the money to distract my myself. I could still feel the notifications coming through my phone.

"Sorry," he said and looked away again. He swung his legs back and forth like a God damn toddler.

I should just get them now right? Like then I don't have to do it now. Ughhhh, I sighed and got up. I got the same exact bag to put the textbooks and other shit in. I left without saying anything, what would I even say?

Hawks' POV

"Bro your brother legit hates me," I said to Fuyumi as I walked through the door.

"Ugh, what did he do this time?" She stopped what she was doing to pinch the bridge of her nose. She looked like she was his disappointed mom or something, I swear.

"He told me not to talk to him, and when I did he told me to stop talking," I stated.

"Bro your probably just being annoying," Rumi responded as she walked out the bathroom.

"Ummm," Fuyumi hummed as, I'm guessing, she tried to think of an excuse. I stood still waiting for her to finish her thinking. "He probably had a bad day. Actually... that's everyday for him," she mumbled the last part.  "I can ask."

"No, it's okay," I said.

"Well I'm gonna do it anyways since he's my brother so...?" She trailed.

"I mean, if you're already doing it..." I also trailed off.

"Guy's I feel kinda left out in this conversation," Rumi said.

"Sorry," Fuyumi apologized

"Good," I stated.

"Thank you," Rumi said to Fuyumi. She then went to glaring at me. "Fuck you."

"When are we leaving?" I asked. I looked at the clock they had up.

"Like an hour," Rumi replied.

"What are we supposed to do?!?!" I whined.

"I don't know figure it out yourself," Rumi said.

Touya's POV

I walked out of this weird office where they made you buy the textbooks and the uniforms you have to wear, still, sadly. I felt my phone vibrate from a call. God dammit, Endeavor again. I took it out about to hang up, but then realized it was my best friend, Tenko.

"Bro I just got here," he said as I picked up.

"Damn about 2 fucking days late," I said. The backpack is very heavy.

"It's only 1 day, to be fair," he defended.

"Still late," I said as I turned a corner to see the dorms a far distance from me.

"Where are you? I'm at the dorms,"  he stated the exact thing I wanted to know.

"I'm about to be there," I replied. I started speed walking to get closer.

"Hurry up," he groaned.

"Oh your talking," I rolled my eyes. This bitch is always late, I'm not even talking fashionably late, like actually fucking late. I walked fast enough that I was there within 10 or so seconds. He took a look at me and hung up real quick.

"Hey," he said in his plain ass voice.

"Oh wow, your kinda fucking late," I stated.

"Yeah, I know," He sighed. "You said that."

"Do you need help?" I asked. He nodded and handed me one of his bags. He showed me his dorm number which us conveniently next to mine, probably because we have last names that are a letter apart. I walked him up and started helping him unpack his shit. Luckily his roommate was even later then he was. After we were done we just hung out in his room.


Guys, I'm going to be able to write more this week, I think.

Words: 1240

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