The Forever

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"Are you nervous?"

"Nervous? Dude I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Anastasia Clementine compulsively straightened her white gown as Christine Palmer placed the veil on her head.

"Please don't, I love this dress more than I love you." Christine shot back.

"That makes me feel better, thank you." the brunette mumbled with fidgeting hands.

It had been a month since Stephen strange had proposed to Anastasia Clementine, and now they were going to get married, they wanted it to be simple, which took a lot of convincing since Stephen strange is known to be a bit...extra, but they met halfway, agreeing to get married in their home.

Here she was seated in her room, her heart racing on her big day, the two jumped when there was a knock on the door. "Anastasia? The officiator is here, he wants to talk to you." she heard the voice of Wong. The woman looked at each other.

"Can you give us a few minutes?" she asked Christine, who walked out, sending the officiator in. It was Anastasia's choice to bring the officiator mostly because the great Dr. Strange didn't know any.

"I was getting ready-" the man walked in "but your heartbeat was so loud I thought you were going to faint." she turned to look at the auburn haired man clad in a sharp suit.. "Ana relax, you're gonna have a heart attack." he sat beside her.

"You're the one to say, I'm terrified, what if he hates the dress? What if this is too much? what if-" she started rambling. The man placed a hand on her shoulder. She was anxious. As much as she wanted to marry him, she was worried as to how her fiancé would react to what has been happening to her lately. The pills can stop them for so long.

"First of all you look beautiful." he assured, Anastasia was about to ask the obvious, which he knew she was going to "I just know, and he's gonna be mesmerized, and there's gonna tears I'm sure, and I'm so glad I'm here to make it happen, and let you know that you're going to have an heart attack." the two friends chuckled. "He loves you, like obsessed with a good way." he added after a beat. And my favorite friend is getting married, now let's go and make this happen." he offered his hand for her to take, helping her adjust her beige veil once more as she straightened her stone clad gown and jewelry.

"Thanks Matty." they linked their arms, helping him walk out of the room.

"Matt...tell me about the people you dismembered." Anastasia nervously.


"I will faint if you don't distract me." Anastasia and Matt Murdock made their way to the altar

"Anastasia Clementine.'' the two stopped before the door. "You are marrying the man you're love, are you sure about this?"

Anastasia took a deep breath and firmly nodded "yes."

Enchanted -Dr. Stephen StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now