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Anastasia fiddled with the gloves on her hand. On her way back to the sanctum after spending the afternoon at a very prestigious law firm. Over time her symptoms subdued after the spider-man incident, after all the multiversal beings were sent back into their respective universes. She thought it would fix it. Fix her. But somehow only the intensity was reduced. Something told her that Spider-man wasn't the cause for this. It was something else entirely, but she didn't know what. And it was killing her on the inside. Stephen and Anastasia sat and had a talk where she blurted everything to him, it felt like a giant, impossibly giant rock had been lifted off her chest. Stephen spent hours with Master Hamir to learn everything and anything which could ease her pain, while she stayed in Kamar-Taj to heal herself a bit. It was hurting the two of them, knowing that they didn't know how much time they had with each other but they were Stephen and Anastasia, the world could end and somehow they would still find each other. There were moments where they felt hopeless and lost but they knew they had each other and that made it all the more better for them. Stephen would fight every demon known to man and God and the Devil himself than Lose her and he made it evidently clear to her. The effects of the drugs that sedated her during the spider-man incident wore off and now she could use her Magic again- what's left of it anyways but boy was she happy that she got it back.

Months after the Spider-man incident, and him basically destroying the new statue of liberty which was in-progress left millions of people wondering who was the man behind the mask. Anastasia stopped, her knuckles hitting the door in front of her, a few seconds of rocking on her heels the door swung open.

"Ms. Clementine! What are- how can I help you?" The young brunette asked, his eyes blown open at the visit.

"Jesus Pete, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?" Anastasia shook her head, hiding the growing smile. Anastasia was special. Oh course she was- but in a way that some spells simply don't work on her. And she'll be damned if she Forgot Peter Parker like the rest of the world. Well that explains how her own medication didn't work after a while- no matter how powerful the spell is it would simply not work. Hours after the spider-Man incident she, like others, didn't remember Peter before it came back to her- it was a powerful spell yet it took only a few hours to wear off on her.

"Miss- Ana...you remember m-me?" The boy stuttered with glossy eyes.

"Of course I do Pete, afterall I busted my ass for you, I me-" the woman let out a big "omph" with the force the boy crashed into her. "Oh Pete..." she sighed, holding the boy in her embrace. "I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I won't forget" she assured the boy. And made sure he knew that.

Enchanted -Dr. Stephen StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now