Fear of Reality

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"Your love for your daughter reminds me of the love I once had for my sister. Now she sends you to do her biddings. I admire you. I will spare the youngling for your life" Anastasia shot up, her eyes screwed shut.

'Oh gods I'm going crazy' she thought to herself, thinking of the voice plaguing her sleep. Or what she has for an excuse of a night's sleep, she pressed the heel of her palm to her eyes, trying to get rid of her incoming headache.


"It's fine," she muttered, sitting up against the headboard.

"I don't hear an 'I'm fine'" she sighed, opening her eyes to look at her husband, his brows knit in concern, his hand hovering over her as though he was afraid he would hurt her. "Are you?"

"I uhm..." she looked down, gulping down fear. "I don't know." she let out an airy whisper. Her eyes refused to meet his. Stephen joined her, sitting upright beside her, now taking her hand in his.

"Anastasia." he called her name "What's going on with you? And don't say nothing. If there's something I take pride in is that I know you too well." he begged, his eyes slightly widening when he heard her sniffle.

"I'm sorry." she spoke with a wavering voice, he looked at her with caution, yelling at himself to not think of the extreme. "I'm scared." Stephen froze. His scarred fingers guided her face to turn to him

"Of what?" he asked, looking into her teary chocolate orbs. "Thea please." he pressed. She simply shook her head. In a swift moment she turned to him, burying her head into the crook of his neck, her hand resting on his bare shoulders. "Thea..." Stephen sat in shock, his body going rigid to her familiar touch on his body. He shook out of his state when he felt her shake under him, his arms encircling her. He was still confused but he knew she was keeping things from him. Things that were killing her from the inside. The weight was getting too much to bear and he truly never felt more helpless than he did now. He sat there holding his wife, speechless and wide eyed. His fingers weaved through her hair as she sobbed, her arms now going around him to hold him tighter, he leaned down, pressing his lips to her head, mumbling "you're safe" over and over. By the time she calmed, she was asleep. Stephen, moved her hair out of the way, seeing how much whatever was affecting her this much did to her. Of course the past few months were tense with the spiderman problem, but something told him it wasn't just that. And he hated that knew he was right.

"What the fuck!?" Anastasia opened the doors of the sanctum only to be hit by a gust of cold. Really really cold wind. "Wong?" she looked at the man who walked by her.

"Your husband there didn't cast a maintenance spell." Anastasia grimaced with each cautious step she took, trying not to slip. She quickly held onto the stair railing, to steady herself. "Chop chop!" the bronze skinned girl turned to look at two people shoveling the snow.

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