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"Okay, Ned you need to relax yourself, no pressure just that mini Godzilla ass guy is coming towards us" Anastasia panicked, her hands going behind her back to get her daggers, but the closer the lizard got, the weaker she was getting. Fuck she missed being a sorceress.

"Ana get them out I got this!" Peter yelled out, Anastasia immediately grabbed MJ and Ned's hands and Ran into the structure surrounded by scaffoldings.

"I got it!" Anastasia grabbed Connor's cure "Pete!" but he was too occupied by the Lizard. She turned to the teens "don't do anything life threatening" she ordered before jumping down, somewhat landing on her feet. "Hey knock off Rango!" Anastasia called out, throwing her knife to his arm to which he responded, giving Peter time to breathe, but not for her since he was now ready to attack her, but before he could bite her head of Anastasia shoved the gas between his teeth, the movement made her head hurt and heart clench as her knees grew weak with pain. Peter and Anastasia heaved as Dr. Connors came back to his old, non-homicidal human self. Anastasia held on to the Iron pole by her side as they watched the Man.

Unbeknownst to the woman Stephen Strange watched her struggle to stand, but will her way to work. How she ignored the pain for the sake of the boy beside her. He watched as the two nodded before running off. How Much ever she could. She was clearly suffering. But her duty as a hero came first before her.

"You are the most Stubborn. Hard Headed, woman I've ever met" Peter and Anastasia turned around to see Stephen coming out of the portal with wide eyes

"Strange wait-we are so close-" Anastasia couldn't bring herself to utter a word. her feet were nailed to the ground. Watching her husband with panic- not because he was there, but because she was there.

"Zip it! I've been dangling over the grand canyon for 12 hours!" he yelled out. By this time the two other peters joined their side, showing hostility towards the new person.

"Now you know how Loki felt" Anastasia awkwardly laughed which slowly died when she noticed her husband's face. 'Uh-oh'

"What the hell were you thinking coming out here Thea?" her breath hitched when he talked to her. "You were not supposed to leave the sanctum" he pointed out, narrowing his eyes at her. "Are you out of your mind? You're already-"

"Hey man watch your mouth!" Peter 3 stood before Anastasia 'sweet but dangerous' Anastasia shrugged at her husband with a smirk.

"You were in the Grand Canyon?" Peter 2 asked.

"We could've used your help man." Peter 3 accused with a frown.

"Yeah dude seriously." Anastasia shook her head with faux disappointment

"Ana stop adding fuel to the fire. These are my new friends, this is Peter Parker, this is Peter Parker, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, they're mes from other universes, they're here to help." Peter 1 explained

"This is the wizard I was telling you about." Peter now explained to the others "And Ms. Clementine-Strange's" he emphasized the 'strange' part of her name "husband" he looked at her pointedly. The other two Peters gaped at her. Their mouths forming an 'o'

"Sorry boys." she smiled

Stephen took a deep breath and glared at his wife before speaking "Look, I am really impressed that you've managed to give them all a second chance, kid. But this has to end. Now." before any of them could reply a menacing sound broke through

"Can the Spider-Man come out to play?" 

a/n: I just came back from my vacation, it was 12 hour drive home i'm dead as fuck

Enchanted -Dr. Stephen StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now