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"Missed me?" She pulled her student up from the floor, Smirking at his look of defeat, she looked at the sorcerer supreme, accompanied by her husband, she looked back at her student "readings" she pointed at him before joining the duo.

"How are you feeling?" her husband asked the second she joined his side.

"Turns out not dying feels great!" she grinned at him, earning a smile from him as they looked at America.

"She needs to slow down, and be more patient" Wong commented.

"Reminds me of a student I had." Anastasia smirked at Stephen.

"How are you feeling?"

"Why do you ask?" Anastasia swatted the back of her husband's head, she asked him this question everyday, he looked at her with an innocent look, she shook her head walking away to the shrine.

"Only if you were here Mumma." Anastasia sighed, brushing off the petals of the flower which she had removed, moving to replace it with new ones "An avatar huh?" she asked, lighting the incense sticks in the holder, Anastasia joined her hands together, closing her eyes for a moment, she opened her eyes, kissing her fingers and placing it on the picture of her mother.

Anastasia stood up, turning around, letting out a small yelp seeing her husband in front of her. "Dude!" she walked up to him, lightly punching his shoulder as the two walked back.

"would you have done it?" Stephen pulled back the blanket of silence.

"Done what?"

"if you had the power to go back and find that you can be with your mom?" Anastasia pondered for a moment, even though she knew the answer.

"I...we...we don't get everything Stephen, If I get my mom back...I lose you, I don't think i can live with that...without you" She answered in a low voice.


"I know I can't have everything I desire, I've accepted it I also know I'm happy now, I don't think I would change this for anything" she looked back towards the direction of the shrine "my mom sacrificed herself for me, and I'll always be grateful to her."

"me too." the two looked at each other with a smile as Stephen opened a portal.

"Wait." the two turned around to see America "'Sup?"

"'Sup?" Anastasia giggled.

"Made some sparks."

"Great. Your parents would be proud. I hope you'll get to show them one day." Stephen nodded sincerely, turning around to leave Kamar-Taj before they were stopped.

"Stephen? Ana? I'm glad I found your universe."

"So are we, kid. So are we. "

"No, I don't shoot webs out of my Butt Ana!" Anastasia cackled, walking through the busy streets of New York, on the phone with one spiderman

"I'm just making sure." Anastasia defended herself, A grin etched to her face. "How's the prep going?"

"I want to stab myself with my Emperor Palpatine." Peter Groaned. Making Anastasia wince "where are you headed?"

"I just finished up a little meeting at Nelson and Murdock, i was just heading back home" she caught him up with her day. "And you should get back to your prep" Anastasia bid her goodbye to the boy, shoving her phone into her pocket when someone bumped into her

"Disculpe" the gruff voice spoke "Lo Siento" Anastasia looked up, the Man's face masked by his cap and Jacket collar.

"no te preocupes, tengas un buen día" Anastasia smiled at him walking back to the sanctum.

"Ana, Someone's here to see you?" Anastasia looked up from her book, startled hearing America's bellowing voice 'what the hell was she doing here?' Anastasia hurried down the stairs of the Sanctum.

"Don't you have a test on relics today?" Anastasia asked America who stood at the bottom of the flight

"Oh shoot! That's today?" She smacked her forehead, scurrying away, Anastasia rolled her eyes at the teen, before her eyes fell on a Man looking around the sanctum in awe, a curious glint in his eyes, His Jaw dropped when his eyes fell on Anastasia, words stumbling out of his mouth.

"Oh my god! You're- I mean obviously you know who you are! I- I'm a huge fan Mrs. Strange uh-uhm Congrats on the wedding." the tanned skinned man spoke with an British accent, Anastasia looked at him awkwardly with an amused smile, watching how he ran his hands through his curls nervously.

"Sorry to be rude...but who are you?" The man flinched slightly, his posture becoming more defensive and tall, rolling his eyes, he glared at the mirror beside him. Anastasia's brows furrowed, he looked familiar but she couldn't point it out.

"Sorry about that." Anastasia did a double take hearing a strong Chicago accent "I'm Marc Spector" he moved forward, the firm handshake shared between them. It was then it clicked for the psychologist.

"DID?" she asked rhetorically, the man shrugged.

"Lucky guess?" he shot back.

"Anastasia Clementine." she nodded "and I didn't study Psychology for 5 years to make a lucky guess big guy" The man smirked at her "Who's the nicer one" she referred to the man who she spoke to first.

"Steven Grant." her hand was shook again, this time by the polite brit "so awesome to meet you"

"Likewise, but I'd like to know why I'm meeting you." Marc Spector took control, his face turning serious.

"We need your help."

A/n: idk I felt hot writing this lmao

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