The Battle of Kamar Taj

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"Oh gods what is she doing?" Anastasia stood beside Master Hamir, her knuckles turning white with how she held her dagger, she flinched slightly with the sounds that surrounded her.

"America?" Anastasia's eyes darted to the girl when she sharply if someone called for her. The brunette's eyes widened "she knows" she informed the masters. Anastasia assumed a defensive position when the door opened, but let out a breath of relief when Wong and Stephen walked through.

"We need to get you out of here now." Stephen hurriedly informed

"Where is she?" Anastasia asked sternly, as Stephen tried to open a portal. Tried. The sling ring disintegrated. The sorcerer spared her a look of alarm before the doors slammed "well that answered my question." she muttered to herself.

The masters were sucked in. "Master Hamir!" Anastasia skidded to a stop when she saw the puddle of water "reflections" she looked at the trio in the room. "She's using the reflections." she motioned towards the water

"Cover them!" they dispersed, moving frantically to cover any source of reflections. Stephen and Anastasia turned around when they heard America scream, the two rushed to her when they saw Wanda using the gong, the couple grabbed either of the girl's arms, pulling her back.

"You gave all those lives just to keep me from my children."

"You took those lives. You cannot be allowed to cross into the Multiverse."

"I'm not a monster, Stephen. I'm a mother."

"Wanda, you have no children. They don't exist. Not anymore" Anastasia shook her head.

"But they do. In every other universe. I know they do. Because I dream of them... Every... night. Of my boys... Of our life together. Every night, I have the same dream. And every morning... the same... nightmare." she sneered as she showed them all the universes with Billy and Tommy.

"What if you reach them? What happens to the other you? What happens to their mother?" Stephen asked

"What would you do Anastasia? If I told you, you can find your mother out there? I can help you." Wanda offered, Anastasia clenched her teeth "I can help you Ana" the witch gave the sorceress a once over. "You're dead Anastasia" Anastasia furrowed her brows, with tilted head she looked at Wanda. It wasn't a threat, but a statement. Stephen moved forward, standing beside Anastasia as she clamped her hand over her mouth at what was before her. Wanda showed her the darkhold. Her mother. Dara Clementine. Mourning. Mourning Anastasia.

"What is this?" she asked Wanda.

"You never have dreams, do you Anastasia?" Wanda chuckled at the lack of response "that's because there is no other Anastasia Clementine. You killed them all."

"What?" she breathed out

"When Cthon allowed you to live...he killed every other Anastasia because he knew you would become your mother Ana. he could not have that" Anastasia shook her head, stumbling back, the pain numbing her. "You are only a product of his mercy."

"ai fost prietenul meu" Anastasia solemnly shook her head. "Sora mea" she stepped back as Stephen stepped up to attack her.

Anastasia was sent tumbling back, she screamed when her back hit the pillar. She locked eyes with her husband as Wanda trapped America. She nodded once, with every ounce of strength she had she stood up, just as America Opened a portal. Anastasia's hands glowed a blinding blue as she hit Wanda with whatever she could, standing in front of America. Stephen jumped forward, grabbing America, falling into the portal, Anastasia being sucked into the same, the last thing she saw was Wanda being knocked off her feet, sent hurtling back.


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