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Early update holla atcha girl


I paced around the bedroom, thoughts buzzing through my mind so fast it was making me dizzy. I couldn't sit still. I couldn't calm down. I couldn't even be excited or scared...I was just...a mess. My eyes kept darting towards the bathroom, waiting for her to come out and tell me something. How dare she lock me out...

Can we even afford a baby right now? We're living comfortably right now but would a baby change that?

Will it be a boy or a girl? We'll have to redo the guest room, will it be pink or blue?

How much will that cost?

What if there's something wrong with it? What if I do something wrong that caused something to be wrong with the baby? How will I live with myself? How will Connie live with me?

When will it be due? Will I be able to get off work? What if I miss the birth, will Connie be mad at me? Should I bring Archie?

Which time did the trick? Was it one of those times I had to rush home during a lunch break because she was ovulating or was it that time we were dancing around the living room and had sex on the couch?

What if Archie doesn't like the baby?

What if it's triplet like Regina? What if its six babies!? I can't do six babies, how will they all fit in Connie? She's only 5'3, how is she going to hold that many babies?

What if something happens to Connie during birth? Does that happen nowadays?

What if I faint in the delivery room like a bitch?

What if it's negative again? If it's negative...what are we doing wrong? I can't handle another negative test, I can't handle Connie going into another week of depression. It's always so hard to get her to snap out of it and not give up hope. It's hard to have hope myself. But she deserves this...and so do I.

The bathroom door clicked as it opened.

I spun around and practically ran to the door, pushing at it and looking through the small crack like a puppy trying to nose its way into a room. "Connie?" I said frantically. "What did it say? Where are you? Let me see."

She pulled the door open more, finally letting me get a glimpse of her tearstained face. Her makeup was smudged, her face was splotchy and I could feel my heartbreaking. My throat closed up a little as I wrapped my arms around her.

"It's okay," I whispered, rubbing her back as I hushed her and rocking her back and forth. She was absolutely bawling her eyes out. She must've thought we had it that time as much as I did. Believe me, I was disappointed too but I couldn't let her see that. So I kept rocking her as I stared over her shoulder.

I spotted the white pee stick on the counter and channeled my anger at it. It was the pee stick's fault, not mine or Connie's. If it'd just put two lines in the damn circle instead of one, this would all be-wait a second.

I narrowed my eyes at it, leaning forward a little.

Wait...wait, wait, wait....

I pulled away from Connie, looking down at her to see the biggest, face splitting smile on her face. A hysterical laugh bubbled out of her before she hopped a little in place before flinging her arms around my neck.

"We're having a baby," she cried.

It hit me harder than when she first said she loved me. It hit me like a kick to the chest that knocked all the wind out of me. I was stunned. Frozen. I couldn't move anything but I could feel my heart hammering against my ribs.

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