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MBA3!!!!!!!!! IT LIVES!!!!!!!



Two years later


I felt like I was either on the verge of throwing up my breakfast, or screaming out of pure excitement and happiness, as I looked at myself standing in the mirror. I did neither though; I just stared. My dress fit perfectly. I was wearing my mum's necklace. My hair was curled. My skin was still glowing from my 'women only' beach trip last weekend. I looked amazing.

Everyone had left the room, by my request, so I could get myself together, but the more I looked at myself, the more my heart sped up. This is really happening. This day actually came.

The door creaked opened behind me and Grandma poked her head in. "Well? Come on!"


"Not every day that I get to walk my granddaughter down the aisle! I'm nervous!"

I snorted, "You're nervous." After a deep breath I turned, and walked into her widespread arms. "Love you." She just squeezed me a little tighter before pulling back and rubbing her hands down my arms.

"Your mother would be so happy for you."

That's it. Here come the tears.

"None of that. Your makeup looks lovely. Don't mess it up!" She sighed, getting all teary eyed herself now. "Let's go get you married off."



Nine months later


I huffed in frustration as I marched towards the stairs, "Archie?" I called. "Let's go! You're going to be late!" He's always slow the first couple days after a break from school—in this case, I'm sure he was still sluggish from our New Year's dinner. I grabbed my keys and went to stand by the bottom of the stairs again. "Archie!"

"I'm coming!"

Sighed, I rested my head on the banister.

I heard Niall walk from our bedroom and into Archie's, reinforcing my nagging to hurry up, then hurried down the stairs himself. He kissed me on the cheek, bolted in the kitchen to get the breakfast sandwich I just made, then he was out the door. I merely rolled my eyes then counted to three before the door opened again and he snatched his keys off the hook.

"Honestly, Niall..."

"Might have to start leaving a note on the door," he chuckled. "Bye-bye." I gave him a dismissive wave.

Just as the door closed Archie finally came running down the stairs, his backpack slung over his shoulder and looking wild. He looked guilty for taking so long, so I didn't say anything about it, and just sent him to get his breakfast sandwich.

After shrugging our coats on, we both got in the car and headed towards his school. It was only about twenty minutes away, so I decided back in August that there was no need for him to take the bus to school; besides, at only seven, I didn't think he was old enough for it. I feared he would get teased or bullied—things like that happen on the bus. I know from experience. But days like today, I do think it would've been more convenient for him to just take the bus anyway.

I sighed as I turned the car around a corner, "Oh, crap, do you have your lunch?"

"Dad gave me money."

"Are you responsible enough for money? And I made your lunch—it was healthy."

"It doesn't matter, Mum."

"You say that now, but when your growth is stunted and you have health problems, you'll be like 'I should've listen to you, Mum. You were right'." He let out an annoyed groan, making me laugh.

We were quiet for a while before I spoke again. "When is that science project you were working on due?"

"Not today I hope. I left it at home."

I sighed, "Archie, you have to start remembering things."

"I do remember things!"

"Like what?"

"Um..." he paused. "I remembered to fill Pickles' water bowl."

I nodded, "Okay, that was good. Good job, love." I got a glimpse of his proud smile in the rearview mirror.

About ten minutes later, I pulled into the drop off section of his new school and parked. Yeah, I was that mum, but I don't care. I got out and walked around, watching him get out. It still boggled my mind how much he's grown since I met him. He was no longer small and toddling around; he was a bit on the tall side for a seven year old, he like his hair shorter, and he had stringy limbs. All elbows and knees. I was not prepared for him to grow up this soon.

"Have a good day, okay?"

"Yeah." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed his temple. "Stop! Stop!"

Pulling back to look at him I said, "See you later."

"Bye, Mum," he grumbled, then walked off, purposely walking in the untouched snow as he climbed the stairs.

I waved at him then climbed back into my car to head to work.

As I rounded the drop off circle, I spotted Maria's car, and briefly honked my horn to say hello. She caught sight of me and gave me a little smile and wave before helping Jessica and John out of the car. I couldn't believe I was actually on speaking terms with that woman, let alone saying unwarranted hellos to her, but I will admit she has changed for the better.

She divorced Eugene and quickly got remarried to another man a year later; a man that's twenty years older than her. I thought that was a little...odd...but he's a fit man, so he doesn't really seem fifty-two until he smiles and you see all the wrinkles in his face. Nonetheless, I like the man—is name is Lee—a lot more than Eugene, as does Archie. Maria looked very happy with him, bare I say, even madly in love. She was healthy, she was the mother that she claim she'd be so many years ago. And, you know what? I'm glad for her. That's great that she got her life together.

My thoughts were suddenly cut short when my phone rang on the hands free device.

"Hello, dear," I answered.

"Just got told I have a couple meetings after normal hours. I'll be home kind of late."

"Okay, should I cook something and save it, or order something?"

"Cook, please, angel."

"Got it, sir."

He chuckled and there was a small pause before he spoke again. "So...what are you wearing?"

I rolled my eyes, "Black slacks, Niall..."

"That's hot."

"Shouldn't you be doing something?" I said laughing. "Bye."

"See you later tonight...in your hot slacks."

I hung up on him, shaking my head at my endlessly cheeky husband.


Short af

So another chapter coming in a few :')))

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