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SOOOoo i went to OTRA Philly ahahah may i rest in peace

Didn't know it was FUcKING possible but I fell more in love with Niall Horan. If he's stop playing games I wouldn't have to write fan fiction bc I'd be living that shit. Smh.


it's been too long, so here's a long unedited chapter :)

pretty sure i used this gif before but whatever it's fitting



"Okay, let me hear your chest, Zach." I pressed my ear to Zach's chest, listening for any wheezing or struggling. When everything sounded normal, I lifted him from his swing. "All good!" I cooed, kissing his cheek. Aria looked less than please so he her brother was getting picked up while she wasn't, but they've gotten a little too big to carry both at once. "I'll be back for you, Aria. Just hang tight."

I left the kitchen and walked through the living room where Niall and Archie were double checking Archie's things for camp. "Sleeping bag?"




"Enough underwear?"


"Football?" I interjected, grinning when Archie rolled his eyes. "Oh right, of course you have that." I continued out to the car where all the doors and the trunk were wide open, just waiting to get loaded up. Zach babbled as he pointed at the car. "Yes! You're getting in the car, munchkin."

I placed him in his car seat and strapped him in, fixing his little shoe to make sure it was Velcroed tight enough. "I'll be right back, okay?" he didn't answer. I gave him his teething ring from my purse that was sitting in the passenger seat, then went back in the house just as Archie was walking out with his suitcase wheeling behind him.

In the living room, Niall was gathering his duffle bag, sleeping bag and pillows. "Is he sure he won't need his night light?" I snorted.

"I guess we'll find out," I heard Niall say. Once I got in the kitchen, I scooped Aria up from her swing, fixed her dress, and carried her back out to the car, where Niall and Archie were waiting. "Should we bring snacks for the trip?" Niall asked while I buckled Aria in.

"Yes!" Archie chirped.

"I meant for the babies."

I rolled my eyes, "I'll get some cheerios and pretzels." I went back into the house to get the snacks and some water, and when I came out I made sure the door was locked behind me. Before long, with snacks distributed, luggage loaded and everyone buckled in, the five of us were on our way to drop Archie off at his first overnight camp.

I was nervous for him. I knew Archie was a pretty well liked kid. He never had problems with making friends, or being bullied-if you don't count his half-brother and -sister, but he says they aren't as bad anymore. I wasn't as worried about him having fun as I was for him practically living on his own.

He's only nine. Is he going to remember his hygiene if I'm not there to tell him to shower or brush his teeth? Who's going to be there to tell him putting foil in a microwave isn't safe? What about washing his clothes? Is he really going to be on top of that?

"Please remember that you're allergic to shellfish Archie." We never eat it, so I'm sure it slips his mind a couple times.

"Yeah, no shrimp."

"Or lobster or claims or mussels," Niall added. "Or crab."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it."

I sighed, "I wrote it on the medical forms we sent last week. The camp counselors will remember." Niall moved his hand from the wheel and placed it on my knee, his eyes still focused on the road. He had a cut on the side of his thumb from breaking a glass at work yesterday. It was a screaming bright red against his slightly tanned skin. I tried not to let it bother me. There were a lot of things that I tried not to let bother me.

My Buddy Archie [3]Where stories live. Discover now