Casey is killed

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Gale and Dewey sit together. Randy, Sidney and Tatum sit together. And Stu, Billy and Lyra sit together with Lyra between the two. Stu and Billy holding Lyra's hands. (Lyra is dating both Stu and Billy in this story. And Sidney is dating Randy.)
Lyra's fathers glare at both boys. Which both boys and Lyra don't notice.
Fade in:
On a ringing telephone.
A hand reaches for it, bringing the receiver up to the face of CASEY BECKER, a young girl, no more then sixteen. A friendly face with innocent eyes.
Casey: Hello.
Man's voice (from phone): Hello.
"I have a bad feeling about this."whispered 
Lyra to Sidney.
"Me too."she responded
Casey: Yes.
Man: Who is this?
Casey: Who are you trying to reach?
Man: What number is this?
Casey: What number are you trying to reach?
Man: I don't know.
Casey:  I think you have the wrong number.
Man: Do I?
Casey: It happens. Take it easy.
CLICK! She hangs up the phone. The camera pulls back to reveal Casey in a living room, alone. She moved from the living room too then kitchen. It's a nice house. Affluent.
The phone rings again.
Casey grabs  the portable.
Casey: Hello.
Man:  I'm sorry. I guess I dialed the wrong number.
"Then why did he call again" whispered Lilly to Sirius, James and Remus.
"We don't have any idea Lilly- Flower.

Casey: So why did u dial if again?
Man: To apologize.
Casey: You're forgiven. Bye now.
Man: Wait, Wait, don't hang up.
Casey stands in front of a glass sliding door. It's pitch black outside.
Casey: What?
Man: I want to talk to you for a second.
Casey: They got 900 numbers for that. Seeya.
CLICK! Casey hangs up with a grin on her face.
A big country home with a huge sprawling lawn full of big oak trees. It sits alone with no neighbors in sight.
The phone rings again.
Popcorn sizzles in a pot on the stove. Casey covers it with a lid, reaching for the portable phone.
Casey: Hello.
Man: Why don't you want to talk to me?
Casey: Who is this?
Man: You tell me your name, I'll tell you mine.
Casey (shaking the popcorn.): I don't think so.
Man: What's that noise?
Casey smiles, playing along, innocently.

Casey: Popcorn.
Man: You're making popcorn?
Casey: Uh- huh.
Man: I only eat popcorn at the movies.
Casey: I'm getting ready to watch a video.
Man: Really? What?
Casey: Just some scary movie.
Man: Do you like scary movies?
Billy and Stu finally realize that their plan is in motion. But Lyra is their final girl. Their Scream queen.
They give each other a subtle nod that no one sees.
Casey: Uh-hun.
Man: What's your favorite scary movie?
He's flirting with her. Casey moved away from the stove and takes a seat at the kitchen counter, directly in front of the glass door.
Casey: I don't know.
Man: You have to have a favorite.
Casey thinks for a second.
Casey:Uh... HALLOWEEN. You know, the one with the guy with the white mask who just sorta walks around and stalks the baby sitters. What's yours?
Man: Guess.
Casey: Uh... Nightmare on Elm Street.
Man: Is that the one where the guy had knives for fingers?
Casey: Yeah... Freddy Krueger.
Man: Freddy- that's right. I liked that movie. It was scary.
Casey: The first one was, but the rest sucked.
"She's right the rest did suck." Says Hermione.
Man: So, you got a boyfriend?
Casey ( giggling.): Why? You wanna ask me out?
Sidney asked Lyra "Isn't she dating Steven Orth." She replied " Yes she is. I think."
Man: Maybe. Do you have a boyfriend?
Casey: No.
Man: You never told me your name.
Casey smiles, twirling her hair.
Casey: Why do you want to know my name?
Man: Because I want to know who I'm looking at.
Wait what!! Shouts some of the people in the great hall.
Casey spins around like lightning facing the glass door.
Casey: What did you say?
Man: I want to know who I'm talking to.
Casey: That's not what you said.
Man: What do you think I said?
Casey CLICKS on the outside. A flood light illuminates the backyard.
Her eyes survey the grounds. But it's empty.
"He's probably hiding in the trees or bushes" Said Lilly and Remus to their husbands.
No one's there. She turns the light out.
On the stove, the popcorn POPS.
Casey: I have to go now.
Man: Wait... I thought we were gonna go out.
Casey: Nah, I don't think so...
Man: Don't hang up on me.
Casey: Gotta go.
Man: Don't.
CLICK! Casey hangs up. She checks the glass door making sure it's locked and then moves to the stove as... THE PHONE RINGS.
She slides the popcorn from the stove, reaching for the phone.
Casey: Yes?
Man: I told you not to hang up on me.
Casey: What do you want?
Man: To talk.
Casey: Dial someone else okay?
Man: You getting scared?
Casey: No- bored.
Most Girls around the hall start cheering and saying "you go girl."
Casey: Listen, asshole...
Total silence. He has gotten her full attention.
Casey: Is this some kind of joke?
Man: More of a game, really.
How is a game.
She needs to get out of there.
That man is sick.
That's is what people in the great hall were saying.
The people from woodsbro was freaking out Casey was their friend. All except two people who were faking being freaked out.
Casey moves her face flush against the door, her eye looking through the peephole.
A distorted view of the front porch. It is empty. She relaxes a bit, relieved.
Casey: What do you want?
Now everyone is so freaked out. The first and second years plus some third years are crying.
Minnie stands up to address it. Every first and second year and anyone else who can't watch this movie anymore will go watch a different movie with professor Sprout. All of the first, second and some third and fourth follow Professor sprout to the door that popped up.
Casey's jaw drops as total fear storms her face.
She hangs up the phone, throwing it down on a side table when...
Casey leaps out of her skin. She turns to the door as it chimes again.
Casey(calling out.): Who's there.
Another CHIME. She moves to it.
Casey(louder): Who's there.
Randy jumps up and and says " Big mistake you never say who's there."
People look at him in amusement because of his actions.
No answer. Fuck this. It's time to call the police. She goes for the portable phone. Just as she picks it up...
Casey almost drops it, loosing her breath...
She brings it up to her ear with trembling hands, saying nothing... listening, waiting...
A long silence. And then.
Man: You should never say "Who's there?" Don't you watch scary movies? It's a death wish.
Casey clutches the wall, nearly collapsing. She tries her damndest to hang tough.
Casey: Look enough is enough. You had your fun now you better leave me alone or else.
Man: Or else what?
CLOSE ON her face, her mind thinking, calculating...
Casey: My boyfriend will be here any second and he'll be pissed when I tell him...
Man: I thought you didn't have a boyfriend.
Busted. She holds steady.
Casey: I lied. I do have a boyfriend and he'll be here any second and your ass better be gone.
Man: Sure...
Casey: I swear it. And he's big and he plays football and will beat the shit out of you.
"Ooh so scary." Shivered Draco and Blaise. That got some laughs. Which they smiled at While they feel bad for the muggle girl she wasn't scary as she was trying to be.
Man: I'm getting sacred.
Casey: I'm telling you the truth. I lied before.
Man: I believe you...
Casey: So you better leave.
Man: His name wouldn't bd Steve, would it?
Silence. Casey buckles at the knees, losing it.
Casey: How do you know his name?
Man: Go to the back door and turn on the porch light - again.
Casey, terrified, forces herself to move... staggering to the kitchen... to the glass doors. Her shaky   hand find the light switch... and she hits it. The backyard yard is lit.
Sitting in a lawn chair in the middle of the back yard is a big line backer of a guy, her boyfriend...
Tied and gagged. He's been roughed up, but he's alive.
Wide in fear... staring at his girlfriend, pleading with her.
Casey: Oh Goddddd...
Casey SCREAMS. Her hand moves to the lock on the door.
Man: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Terror rides Casey's face. She's petrified.
"She needs to get out of there or she won't make it." Said Dewey.
Casey: Where are you?
Man: Guess.
Her eyes search the yard, combing bushes, trees. He could be anywhere.
Casey(begging.): Please don't hurt him.
Man: That all depends on you.
Casey: Why are you doing this?
Tears find their way, steaming down Casey's face.
Man: I wanna play a game.
Casey: No...
Man: Then he dies. Right now.
Casey: NOOO!
Man: Which is it?
A long silence. Casey touches the glass... staring at Steve... this big jock of a guy is crying too.
Casey: What kind of game.
"What is the point of all this game she  and Steve will die in the end."  Said a random Ravenclaw. The Ravenclaw received dirty looks. But some we're wondering the same thing. While others thought she might make it. The ones who sent the Ravenclaw the dirty looks were the ones who thought that.
Man: Turn off the light.
Her hand goes to the switch... Steve rugs and pulls at his straps... as if begging her... his face sweat and tears...
He disappears in the darkness. Casey moves away from the glass, back toward the living room, unbelieving, horrified.
Man: Here's how we play. I ask a question. If you get it right Steve lives.
Three curtainless windows line one wall. Casey crouches down behind the couch, tipping a lamp cord from its socket, darkening the room. Her body quivers.
Casey: Please don't do this...
Man: Come on. It'll be fun.
What part of this is fun? Thought most of the hall.
Casey: No... please.
Man: it's an easy category. Movie trivia.
Yes it is but if you pick a movie that she knows!! Shouts most of the Hogwarts students.
Casey(begging); ....Please...
Man: I'll even give you a warm up question.
Casey: Don't do this. I can't l.
Man: Name the Killer in HALLOWEEN.
Casey: No...
Man: Come on. it's your favorite scary movie, remember? He had a white mask, he stalked the babysitters.
Casey goes silent... a nervous wreck... she can barely speak much less think.
Casey: I don't know.

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