Lyra's bedroom

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A teenage girls room. Neat and pinkish. On the bed, amongst age-old doe, stag, dog and wolf stuffed animals lie opened school books. The CAMERA PANS to a desk against the wall where...
Lyra Prescott
A young girl of 17, sits, her face glued to the computer monitor in front of her.
Close on her face
"She's pretty."
"My goddaughter is so beautiful." Said Lilly and James under their breath at the same time.

Sharp and clever with deep, lonely eyes. She's comfortable in a plain, flannel nightgown.
Her hands are at work, typing feverishly, when suddenly...
The people in the great hall jump at that loud noise.
"Oh god please don't be the killer." Was what heard around the hall.

A noise behind her. She turns abruptly, eyeing an open window across the room.
A SCRATCHING sound. She stands and moved toward it.

EXT. Window
Lyra sticks her head out the window. The late night wind hits her face as a shadow appears just to the left of her, hands reaches out, grabs her and suddenly FIGURES are on top of her...
Lyra SCREAMS... pulling away from the figure... breaking free, falling back into the floor.
Voice (O.S.) : hey.. it's just us.
Lyra looks up to see...
Young boys age of seventeen. Handsome  and alluring. Star quarterback/ class president type of guys. These boys sport a smile that could last for days.
"Lyra's dads glare at them for sneaking into their little girl's bedroom.
But when Lyra asked "Do I want to even know how they got this footage from my room." Their glare got redirected to the Screen.

Lyra: Billy? Stu? What the...
Billy and Stu laugh because they now know that she got scared because of them. When Lyra sees that she and Sidney smack both of them upside their head.

Billy& Stu; We're sorry. Don't hate us.
Lyra: What are you doing here?
Stu: You sleep in THAT?
Both boys pull themselves through the window.
Lyra: My dad's in the other room.
Billy & Stu: We'll only stay a sec.
Suddenly the bedroom door BURSTS OPEN. The doorknob catches on the open closet door behind it jamming it, holding it in place.
Sidney and Tatum start yelling saying that we were the ones to teach her that trick. People around the hall are laughing at the best friends antics.

Voice(from behind the door.): What's going on in there?
Billy and Stu quickly roll out of sight behind the bed. Lyra unjams the door to reveal...
MR. PRESCOTT, late 40's , a severe presence. A distracted man, nervous and pre-occupied,
Mr. Prescott: Are you okay?
Lyra: Can you knock?
Mr. Prescott: I heard screaming
Lyra: No you didn't.
"Yes dad/your dad did." Sidney and Tatum tease Lyra.

Mr. Prescott: No? Oh,well... I'm hitting the sack. My flight leaves first thing in the morning. Now the expo runs all weekend so I won't be back until Sunday. There's cash on the table and I'll be staying at the Raleigh Hilton...
Lyra:... out at the airport..:
Mr. Prescott:... so call if you need me.
Lyra:Got it, I'll tell Sid too.
He gives the bedroom a quick once over.
Mr. Prescott: thank you and I coulda swore I heard screaming.
Lyra distracts him, giving him a peck on the cheek.
Lyra: You're welcome and have a good trip.
"Where's he going?" Lilly asked her and James' goddaughter.

Mr. Prescott: Sleep tight, sweetie.
He gives her a wink and pulls the door closed.
Stu and Billy reappears.
Stu: Close call.
Tatum snorts "Yeah close call."

Lyra:What are you both doing here?
Stu and Billy take a flying leap and land on Lyra's bed.
Stu: It just occurred to the both of us that We've never snuck through your bedroom m.
" Cause you never had a reason to." Say both Sidney and Lyra at the same time. Then they smile at each other wondering what would happen if they lost one another.

Lyra: Now that it's out of your system.
Stu: Me and Billy where at my house bored, watching television. THE EXORCIST was on and it got us thinking of you,
The adults and teenagers were shocked and wondering how in the hell did watching that movie getting him to think of their girlfriend.

Lyra: Oh it did?
Billy: Yeah, it was edited for TV.
Stu: All the good stuff was cut out and we started thinking about you and how two years ago all of us, started off kinda hot and heavy, a nice solid "R" rating on our way to an NC-17. And how things have changed and, lately, all of us just sort of... edited for television.
Lyra: So you both thought you could sneak in my window and we would have a little bump-bump.
Stu: No, no. We wouldn't dream of breaking your underwear rule. I just thought we might do some on top of the clothes stuff.
Lyra snuggles up next to Stu and Billy, planting a kiss on both of their lips. Passionate and gentle. Both boys, however, reacts like sharks, moving on top of her, both of their hands everywhere as he presses into her. Well Stu did all that. Lyra breaks away.
Her dads look grossed and and green in the face.
Lyra: Time to go, stud buckets.
Stu sits up. His heart isn't racing. It's POUNDING.
Stu and Billy: See what you do to us.
Sweat has popped out all over Stu and Billy's forehead, both of them are breathing heavily.
Lyra: You know what my dad will do to you?
Both of Lyra's dads look down at the reminder. She wasn't their little girl anymore but she was now someone else's.
Stu: We're going... We're going.
The boys move to the window. Lyra follows, motioning to their wound.
Lyra: I appreciate the romantic gesture.
She gives the  both of them a kiss good night. Sweet and simple.
Stu and Billy( whisper.): Hey... about the sex stuff. We're not trying to rush you. We were both only half serious.
Lyra kisses both of them again as they both ease through Lyra's bedroom window.
Lyra: Would the both of you settle for a PG-13 relationship?
Confused looks we're exchanged around the hall.

Billy: What's that?

Lyra pulls her flannel gown down open for a split second.. flashing her left breast. Their mouth drops open... surprise, shock. All three of Their eyes meet. Both boys and Lyra share a smile.
Her dads, godparents and god brother look at each other grossed out and ready to throw up.

Lyra: Get outta here you too.

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