Night time

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The screen lights up and  shows Lyra pushing her babies in a stroller. The babies could not be more than 1 years old. The triplets are kicking their feet around.
They look so cute!
Their adorable!
Mama i'm hungry! Whines Orion.
Us too. Stella and Sidney say in sync.
I know babies we are almost home.
Lyra's phone starts to ring and she answers it.
Tatum: Lyra! Where are you and the triplets?
Lyra: Relax Tate, I was taking the twins for a walk. I'll be there soon.
Lyra laughs.
Tatum: Laugh all you want, I was worried about you and the triplets!
Lyra sighed and kisses her babies heads.
Lyra: Tate, Billy and Stu haven't shown themselves for 2 years. They probably aren't looking for me. Lyra frowns after she says that.
Tatum: That makes you sad doesn't it?
She is still in love with them!
People give the Hufflepuff a weirded out look.
Lyra rolls her eyes.
Lyra: Whatever Tate, I'll be there in 5 minutes.
Lyra hangs up her phone and sighs. Then she hears leaves crunching. She turns around but sees nothing.
Lyra: Hello? Who's there?
Sweetheart that's exactly how people die in horror movies. You should not do that! Sirius says to Lyra.
Lyra looks at him confused. She gets a feeling of comfort and happiness when she sees him.
Lyra: Um do I know you?
Sirius and Remus' eyes light up with happiness that their daughter somewhat  recognizes them. They will take whatever they can get!
Lyra shakes it off.
Lyra:  It's fine Lyra no one's is there. Billy and Stu are far away.
Lyra walks away and 2 people come out of the shadows. These people are......
Gasps and shocked looks are heard and shared around the hall.

Stu: Why can't we just grab her and the twins and take them with us? We have been watching them and had so many chances to grab her. But then again we almost got caught!
Billy: Yeah because of you stupid fuck rag! You just had to take a picture of her!
Stu: She looked good plus she had the triplets with her!
Billy: I know that! Also you think she looks good in everything!
Stu: She does Billy! Don't even try to deny it!
Billy just rolls his eyes and Smacks Stu's arm.
Stu says ow while looking smug.
Billy: Anyways we have a plan and we have to stick with it. But we will have her soon.
All the girls in the hall feel jealous.
Your one Lucky bitch!
What I wasn't lying!
The screen cuts to where the two best friends almost sisters are cuddling together. While a phone rings.
Lyra reaches to answer the phone.
Lyra: Hello?
Voice: Hello Lyra. What's your favorite scary movie?
Aw shit!
Not this again!
Fuck this Shit!
Lyra: Who is this?
Voice: You tell me!
Lyra reaches for the caller Id.
Lyra: Cory Gillis. 555-0176
Cory: Shit!
The potter family and the Lupin- Blacks sigh in relief that's it's not a real call. Just a prank call.
Tatum grabs the phone from Lyra.
Tatum: Hot flash Cory, prank calls are a criminal offense prosecuted under penalty code 653M.
Click! The phone goes dead!
Tatum: Hope you enjoyed the movie!
Hallie: Time to change numbers again?
Lyra: No, it should die off soon. It's opening weekend.
Hallie grabs the remote and turns on the tv. As Tatum is looking at her self in the mirror while Lyra is feeding Stella.
Cotton on tv: Well, you can never tell.
Tatum and Lyra turn to the tv hearing the familiar voice.
Talk show host: You were fully exonerated, you were a innocent man, thanks to Gale Weathers book.
Cotton on tv: Yeah, but a nickel won't get you a coffee in jail.
Cotton: But Gale's has been great.
Hallie: Get your ass in gear, you're late!
Don't forget about the Acid Rain Mixer tonight at Delta Lambdas tonight.
Tatum: Maybe I will go. But that's a big if.
Lyra: Me either I have no one watch the triplets.
Hallie: What?!?!? Come on you promised!
Tatum: Hallie, you know about us and organized religion.
Hallie: It's a sorority guys!
Lyra: That's even worse!
Hallie: Are you two ok?
Lyra: We're fine, we're always fine.
Hallie: "We're fine" Yeah I can see that remark is always stretched tightly across your guys faces.
Girl: Check out the news!
TV Reporter: Last night at a sneak peak preview showing of the movie STAB.
Authorities won't release anything, except for that the two victims, Maureen Evans and Phil Stevens were both Windsor seniors.
Lyra walks out with her daughters and son, in their stroller.
Look at them!
They are so cute.
Lyra you Billy and Stu make cute babies. I can't wait to see them when they are older. Tatum exclaims.
Sidney nods in agreement with Tatum.
Shocking the three future parents.

Lyra: Where's Randy?
Tatum: In Flim theory. That's his class Thai morning.
Lyra: Well Tate and Hallie grab a baby and bag so we can go get the nerd boy.
Tatum laughs and grabs Orion while Hallie grabs Stella.
Tatum: I still don't know why you even call him that!
Lyra: It's because he's a horror movie nerd!
Randy blushes in embarrassment and says. While it has kept me alive hasn't it?
Tatum, Sidney and Lyra laugh.
Lyra: I know that. I was just joking around.

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