Opening kill.

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An old preserved movie theatre. The kind only found in a small town. The marquee in front reads:
"Sneak preview tonight
Rated R."
The teachers gasp the couldn't believe they made a movie of that sick tragedy.
A line as formed around the block; GUYS AND GIRLS- mostly college age.
CLOSE on a girl, Maureen, no more than 18. A friendly face with innocent eyes. She stands in line with her boyfriend PHIL, same age. A handsome counterpart.
Maureen: I hate scary movies.
Phil: it'll be okay, baby. I'll hold your hand.
Maureen: If we hurry, we can still catch the Sandra Bullock movie.
Phil: We got free tickets.
He pulls her close, snuggling with her.
Maureen and Phil reach the box office, presenting their tickets.
They pass through the front doors where an usher stands randomly handing out ghost masks. A Hollywood variation of a most familiar one. Phil takes one.
Maureen; What's that?
Usher: The studio sent them.
Maureen: And it's white! Thank you.
The small theater is nearly packed to capacity. Maureen and Phil enter, moving down the aisle searching for two seats. A young girl screams, whizzing by them as a ghost masked guy chases after her. The crowd laughs. Everyone is having fun.
Maureen and Phil find aisle seats down towards the screen just as the lights dim. People fake scream in terror. A very lively crowd.
Maureen turns to find a ghost mask in her face. Phil has slipped it on.
Maureen: I don't think so.
Phil gets in her face, playing with her. She swats him.
Maureen: Take it off.
Phil: But...
Maureen: Now.
He obliges.
Maureen looks behind her, toward the rest of the audience. A sea of white ghost faces fill the theater. The publicity masks actually glow in the dark. A chilling sight that leaves Maureen extremely spooked.
The movie begins. A house in the middle of nowhere. Lights burn from within.
Inside the house, a young girl , Casey Becker is taking a shower. The water cascades over her nubile body. Suddenly, a figure is glimpsed through the curtain. It's all very psycho.
Man in theatre: Take it off!
Maureen looks on in disgust.
Maureen: Now why does she have to be naked?
How does that's serve the plot her being butt ass naked.
Nothing! Shouts most girls in the hall.
Phil: Shhh.
On screen:
The phone rings. The young girl pulls the shower curtain aside to reveal a robe hung on a hook. She grabs it, running from the bathroom, into the living room, grabbing the phone.
Girl: Hello?
A menacing voice responds.
Voice: Hello?
Girl: Who is this?
Voice: You tell me.
In the theater:
Maureen is not having a good time. She's already spooked.
Maureen: Bitch hang up the phone and star 69 his ass! Damn.
On screen:
The phone rings again.
Voice: Look out back see your boyfriend anywhere around?
Girl: I don't have a boyfriend right now!
Voice: Would you like one? Hello? Cat got your tongue?
In the theater:
Maureen: Damn, give me some money, I'm gonna get some popcorn.
Phil: You got money.
Maureen: I know I got money, I asked for your money. Everyone laughs in the hall but mostly the girls.
Phil: Cheapskate
Maureen: Thank you.
Casey in Stab: I don't even know you and I despise you already.
Concession Worker: Hello.
Maureen: Hi, I'll have a medium popcorn, no butter and a small Diet Pepsi.
Concession Worker: You got it.
Maureen; Thanks.
Girl; That's it I'm not going back in there.
Girl 2: Come on you chicken shit, It's just a movie!
Girl: No it's not a movie, it's a true story. All of these kids got killed a couple of years ago in California.
Everyone gives Billy and Stu a hard glare.
The gang just ignore them.

Man: Ahhhh!
Man 2: Stab you man! Ahhhh!
Maureen opens the theatre door as a ghosted masked figure jumps out from behind her!
People scream out from around the hall.
Phil: Ahhhh!
Maureen: Ahhhh!
Maureen: You ass!
Phil: Sorry Baby.
Maureen: Why are you playing?
Phil: What's wrong? Why are you so tense.
Maureen: I don't like being scared!
Phil: Ok, besides, scary movies are great for foreplay.
No it's not! Lyra shakes her head disagreeing. Tatum and Sidney look at her and nod agreeing with her.
Maureen: Will you stop!
Phil: Come on, Let's go catch the Sandra Bullock  Movie.
Maureen: No, Sandra started already, we can stay. Alright, well just don't play so much!
Phil: Gotta go to the bathroom!
Maureen: Ok!
Phil: See ya inside!
Maureen walks back into the theater where on screen in STAB a chair comes crashing through a window as Casey runs for her life. While Phil enters the restroom. He waits patiently as two men dressed in Ghostface costumes are using the urinals. Phil decides to use of the stalls. He bangs on the first on to its occupied.
Phil: Sorry.
Phil sees that the second one is unoccupied and decides to use it.
Suddenly Phil hears a strange noise coming from the first stall and decides to listen in as he laughs since it seems to be a couple in the hall.
People are gagging and some sounds of disgust can be heard around the hall.
Voice from stall: No, I didn't mean to, I swear.
Oh, mommy, mommy! Oh Oh!!!!

Phil places his ear up to the bathroom stall wall.
Suddenly, a knife is thrusted through the wall from the killer in the next stall. Stabbing Phil severely in the head as blood comes from his mouth and Phil falls to the bathroom floor, dead. The killer exits the stall quietly as Phil lies dead in a pool of his blood.
Meanwhile, back in the theater on screen: Casey jumps over a wall as she ducks in the back hiding.
Maureen: N-No, no, no, no, no , no, no,no!! Don't do that!
Maureen: Move, go go!!
The killer dressed in Phil's jacket seats himself next to Maureen.
Oh crap!
Shit she's needs to get out of there!
That's not her boyfriend that's the fucking killer!
Maureen; Baby, give it up!
Maureen: You're back in time. It looks like she's gonna get it. Want some popcorn?
The killer nods a no.
Maureen: Now, see if that was me, I'd be out of there.
Then get out of there!
This bitch is gonna die!
Get out of there girl!
Onscreen in STAB, the killer jumps out of a widow onto Casey as she gets up and runs as fast as she can, as the killer grabs her from behind.
Maureen; Here it comes. Here it comes!
Maureen hides her face into " Phil" as on the screen the killer stabs Casey in the chest as Casey falls screaming.
Maureen looks up at the screen then looks at her hand, and realizes it's full of blood as she looks at Phil in shock.
Come on get out of there!
Why isn't she out of there and doing what she said she would!
Dude run!
Suddenly, the killer pulls out a knife and Maureen watches in horror.
Maureen: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
The killer stab's Maureen in the stomach as she gets up and walks to the aisle. As Maureen walks in the aisle the killer comes from behind her and stabs her six more time. Maureen than walks up to the stage.
The hall watch in horror while the younger years scream.
The audience cheers in delight, thinking Maureen is part of a publicity stunt for Stab!
Maureen fails her arms around looking for help. As the people in the theater begin to realize this is real. Maureen then falls to the ground dead.

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