School time.

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CLOSE ON LYRA AND SIDNEY who went into her sister's bedroom late last night. The were snuggled up together.
Around the hall everyone was saying "Aw."
Sidney and Lyra started blushing.

They were both sleeping peacefully when...
THE RADIO ALARM BLASTS from the night table next to Lyra's bed the alarm was loud enough to wake up the dead. Lyra and Sidney bolt up at the same time.
Disc Jockey(from radio.):... found brutally difficult murdered...
CLICK. Lyra, quick like lightning with her reflexes, shuts off the radio instantly.

Her parents are wondering why she turned the radio off so quick.
A car trunk SLAMS shut outside.
Sidney and Lyra pull themselves out of the bed and lean to the bedroom window just in time to see their dad jumping in his car. Both of them half wave down at him but he doesn't see the girls. He's as good as gone, pulling out of the driveway and disappearing down the road.
A moment as Sidney and Lyra stand at the window. Both staring out after him.

THE CAMERA PULLS BACK TO REVEAL a picture perfect small town school. Old and charming. Students come and go, moving about. Nothing unusual, except for the...

...six police cars, four news vans, flashing cameras, and crowds of lookies-loos gathered just of campus.
That many people for two murders? Asked a lot of people in the great hall.

Sidney and Lyra approaches the school seeing the commotion. Four different REPORTERS stand in front of four different cameras giving four different news reports.
They move pass a policeman standing guard. Both Lyra's and Sidney interests are peaked, they stop at the first reporter who is...


Thirties.  Her smart face is overshadowed by a flashy smile and a massive mane of chemically enhanced hair.

GALE (for the camera.) : The small town of Bayboro, North Carolina was devastated last night when two young teenagers were found brutally butchered.
Authorities have yet to issue a statement but our sources tell us that no arrest has been made and the murderer could strike again.


They moved, disturbed. From behind them, fingers  taps Sidney's and Lyra's   shoulders.

Both of them spin around to see...

Tatum Riley, same age, feisty, carefree.

Tatum: Do you believe this shit?
" Hey that's me!" Shouted Tatum.

Sidney& Lyra: What happened?

All three girls break away from the crowd and head for school.

Tatum: Oh god! You don't know? Casey Becker and Steve Orth were killed last night.

Sidney: No way.

Tatum:  And not just killed, Sid, Ly. We're talking splatter movie killed- split open end to end.

Sidney: Casey Becker? She sits next to me And Lyra in English.

Tatum: Not anymore. Her parents found her hanging from a tree. Her insides on the outsides.
Lyra: Do they know who did it?

Tatum: Fucking clueless- they're interrogating the entire school. Teachers, students, staff,
and janitors.

Sidney: They think it's school- related?

Tatum: They don't know. Dewey said this is the worst crime they've ever seen. Even worse than...
(stopping herself.)
Well it's bad. They're bringing in the feds. This is big.
Sidney and Lyra look back at Gale, their face deeply pained.

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