The next day

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The morning sun shines high over Bay Boro Town square. Cars come to life, townsfolk stir as the picture postcard community awakens
from restless sleep.


Sidney, Lyra and Tatum sit at the kitchen table, dressed and ready for
school as Mama Riley serves up breakfast. A small television sits
on the counter BLARING.

Dewey, in uniform, stands near the door, talking on the phone.

I think you girls really should stay home
"You really should listen to her."
Whispers Lily.
Your objection is duly noted.

I'd rather be around a lot of people,
Mama Riley.

From the TV, Sidney and Lyra hear their name, "SIDNEY AND LYRA PRESCOTT..." All eyes
go to the television.

(on TV)
..who escaped a vicious attack last night
was the daughter of Maureen Prescott who
was brutally killed last year when
convicted murderer Cotton Weary...

INSERT of COTTON WEARY, in prison fatigues. A once handsome man,
now haggard and worn.

..broke into their home and savagely
raped and tortured the deceased. Cotton
Weary is currently awaiting appeal for
the death sentence handed down after the
young Sidney and Lyra testified against him.  They are
was the key witness in the state's

It's never gonna stop. Is it?

Dewey is off the phone.

Billy was released. His cellular bill
was clean. He didn't make those calls.
See I was right it wasn't him! Exclaims Lyra. Only if she knew how wrong she was.
Somebody called us . Dewey. I'm not making it up.
Dewey: I know. We're checking every cellular account in the country. Any calls made to you guys and Casey Becker are being cross- referenced. It's gonna take some time but we'll find him.
Lyra: And our dad? Any word on him?
Riley shakes his head no.
Once again, Reporters line the street attacking students as they make their way to school, asking questions, hungry for that teenage insight. Dewey's patrol Jeep cruises by. Sidney and Lyra watch from the passenger and backseat window.
Dewey pulls up in front of the school. Tatum and Lyra hop out while Sidney lingers, suddenly unsure. Dewey takes notice.
Dewey: Hey, it's school. You'll be safe here.
Sidney forced herself out of the jeep as a microphone is shoved in her face...
Reporter: How does it feel to almost be brutally murdered?
Dewey leaps from the car, intercepting the reporter.
Dewey: Leave the girl alone, will ya? She wants to go to school.
Sidney eyes 👀 the news van that's pulled up behind her. The side door slides open and Gale Weathers steps out.
Groans surround the hall.
Ugh her!
Not her again!
This bitch!
Gale gets super offended why don't they like her she's perfect.

Lyra: Come on sis.
Sidney: Just a sec... I need to talk to someone.
She heads over to Gale.
Sidney, puts her head down, hiding her face... avoiding other reporters as she makes her way too...
Gale who sits in the open door, checking her face in a mirror. Makeup tries hard to hide Lyra's handwork- a swollen black and blue right cheek.
She's such a badass.
I aspire to be like her.
Was what the girls around the hall says.
Gale spots Sidney immediately and leaps to her feat.
Gale: Stop right there.
Sidney throws her hands up in surrender.
Sidney: I'm not here to fight. Besides my sister did that.
Gale: Just stay back and keep her away from me.
Sidney: I want to talk to you and I'll try.
Gale ( calling into the van.): Kenny. Camera. Now.
Kenny's head darts out from the van.
Sidney: Off the record. No cameras.
Gale: Forget it.
Sidney contains herself.
Sidney: Please. You owe me.
Gale: I owe you shit.
Gale moves inside the van. But Sidney is relentless.
Sidney: You owe my mother.
Gale: Your mother's murder was last year's hottest court case. Somebody was gonna write a book about it.
Sidney: And it had to be you with all your lies and bullshit theories.
Gale: What is your problem? You got what you wanted. Cotton Weary is in jail. They're gonna gas him. A book is not gonna change that.

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