The letter

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It has been 16 years since Lyra Lupin- Black has gone missing. Remus, Sirius and the potters were standing by their daughter and honorary niece. Lilly did something she and the others thought they would ever do. She opened Lyra's bedroom door. When they walked in they saw and smelt Lyra's messy room. And her ocean scented room.
Lilly and Sirius started crying. While the other two had tears in their eyes that were slowly falling. They a bright light came out of nowhere and blinded them for 2 minutes. When they got their eye sight back they saw a letter on the missing girls bed. Sirius went to grab the letter but James stopped him and said "Wait let Lilly and Remus check it for anything harmful."
Lily and Remus gave them a nod after the checked the letter.
James grabbed it instead of Sirius.
He read it aloud.
" Dear Lupin- Blacks and Potters,
If you want to see the future of you daughter Lyra Lupin- Black or as she is now known as Lyra Prescott. Come to Hogwarts immediately."
- From the Fates

After James finished reading the letter all of them was full of different emotions. Lilly was full of hope. James was angry. Sirius was hopeful and mad. Remus' emotions was all over the place.
They went to the floo and said " Hogwarts School for Wizards and Witches."
When they got to Hogwarts they saw the Malfoys, the Bones, the Weasleys and many other pure blood families.
James and Sirius then threw the Great hall doors open and shouted " What is the Meaning of this Dumbledore!!"
"What ever do you mean my dear boy." When he saw the glare directed at him he corrected himself "I mean Lord Potter."
"We got a letter saying to come to Hogwarts so we can watch the future our daughter." Said Sirius.
Dumbledore paled at the mention of the lost Black heiresses.
Which Mad eyed moody and Snape saw. And looked at him suspiciously.
Then a big portal opened and out came 5 teenagers and 2 adults. All falling on top of each other.
"Oww get your fat ass off of me randy."
" I am not fat!!"
"Hello you are crushing me Tatum!"
"Whoever is on the top get their ass up!"
"Ok ok."
The witches and wizards watch in caution and amusement.
The people finally notice where they are. In a school of children and people in cloaks.
"Where are we and what are we doing here." Ask the adults after pushing the teens behind them.
"Introduce yourselfs and we will tell you.
"Gale Weathers."
"Tatum Riley."
"Dewey Riley."
"Lyra Prescott."
"Sidney Prescott."
"Billy Loomis."
"Stu Macher."
"Randy Meeks."
"You are here to watch your future."
The woodsboro people freak out. But calm down five minutes later.
After that they start the movies.

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