Sidney and Lyras House

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A huge two story country home with a spacious lawn.
A yellow school bus stops in front of the house and Lyra and Sidney step off.

The house looks big and Lonely as Sidney and Lyra move up the walk to the front door.


Sidney is on the telephone.

Sidney( into phone.):
You sure Ly and I can stay over? My dad won't be back til Sunday.

Tatum(through phone: No prob. I'll pick you guys after practice.

Sidney: Tell your mom that we said thanks.

Tatum: Yeah, yeah.. are you okay?

Sidney: Uh- huh, it's just.. you, the police and the reporters... it brings it all back to me and Ly.

Tatum: I'll be there by seven. I promise.

Sidney: Thanks, Tatum.

Tatum: Later: Sidney hangs up. She takes a seat at her computer and boots it up. She sits I front of it staring at the blue screen... her own reflection staring back.

Sidney and Lyra come down the stairs together, both of their arms carrying a change of clothes, toothbrush, makeup ...
Lyra opens the hall closet and pulls out two small overnight bags from the top shelf. Then they move into the living room Sidney  loads it up, both of them plopping down on the sofa, Lyra hitting the TV remote.


A news reporter fades in.

Reporter#1 (on tv.): The entire nation was shocked by the teen murders in North Carolina...

Sidney grabs the remote from where Lyra put it down and switches the channels.

Reporter #2: The state Bureau of Investigation had joined forces to help catch what the Governor has called the most heinous...

The channel switches again. Gale Weathers appears, standing I front of the school. Her white teeth gleaming.
The woodsboro gang groans.

Gale: This is not the first time that small town of BAYBORO has endured such tragedy. Only a year ago, Maureen Prescott, wife and mother, was found raped and murdered...
An old black and white snapshot fills the screen- a women beautiful and familiar.


Their eyes frozen, mesmerized by the image. Suddenly Lyra clicks the TV off. Sidneys eyes go to the clock on the end table. 5:45 PM. Her eyes then move to the framed photo next to it.. the same black and white photo stares at her... a healthy , vibrant women. An older version of Sidney.
Sidney curls up on the sofa with Lyra next to her. They close their eyes tight...


The clock on the end table reads 7:15 PM. Lyra and Sidney are fast asleep on the couch. The phone RINGS. Sidney leaps up grabs the portable phone.

Tatum(from phone.): Practice ran late. I'm on my way.
Lyra gets up to use the bathroom.
Sidney(eyes clock.) : It's past seven.

Tatum: Don't you guys worry. Casey and Steve didn't bite till way after ten.

Sidney: I'm not worried.

Tatum: Good 'cause I wanna swing by BLOCKBUSTER and get us a video. I was thinking Tom Cruise in ALL THE RIGHT MOVES.
Sidney: Whatever. Just hurry.

Tatum; Bye.

She hangs up the phone. It immediately RINGS again. At the moment Lyra comes out of the bathroom.

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