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AS THEY REACHED a way to get out onto the street, Binx went up first, immediately getting hit by a passing bus. Everyone was shocked and almost instantly became upset. Sage didn't understand why, he was immortal. They all climbed out onto the street, seeing the flattened black cat laying on the road.

"Oh my god, it's all my fault." Max sighed.

"Max, it's not your fault."

Sage watched them, still confused. Had Thackery told them he was immortal or had they just not listened to him. The witch watched as the cat's body inflated and he opened his eyes.

"I hate it when that happens." Thackery looked at the three distressed kids and then at Sage. "What? I told them I was immortal, that I can't die. Okay, let's go!"

As the group ran through the streets, Dani ran over to what looked to be a police officer. "Officer! Officer!"

"What's the problem?" The guy asked.

Sage stood off to the side, the book in her arms and Thackery on her shoulder, she wasn't too sure that the man they were talking to was an officer. It was a strange place for him to be and well, it was Halloween, it could be a costume.

"Well, um...you see. I just moved here. Well, you see, it's like this...I broke into the old Sanderson House, and I brought the witches back from the dead. See, my friend has the book." Max explained, pointing to Sage.

The officer looked at the other teen then back at Max. "You lit the Black Flame Candle?"


The officer got off his bike. "Okay, lets get on the sidewalk."

"And he's a virgin."

Sage hid a giggle when Danni said that, she was sure that the eight-year-old had no idea what those words even meant.

"Come here." The man said to Max. "Are you a virgin?"



Max huffed. "Look, I'll get it tattooed on my forehead, okay?"

Allison then spoke up. "Officer this is not a prank."

"Hey! I put my life on the line to protect this community and you punks pull this? Get outta here."

The group began to walk away, but Sage muttered a small spell to stop the officer's bike from working. Thackery looked at her, still sat on her shoulder.

"What? It's still considered pure magic even if I use it on a dickhead."

The group decided the next best thing would be to go to where Max and Danni's parents were, town hall at a party. Sage walked behind the trio, Thackery just causally sat on her shoulder.

"So." The cat began. "Where have you been?"

"Here and there." Sage answered. "Wasn't easy staying in one place, people realise pretty quickly that you still look seventeen when you're supposed to look thirty."

Thackery watched Sage. "It may have been three hundred years, but thou are still as beautiful as remembered."

Sage almost stopped in her tracks and began to feel her face heating up. She didn't know where her and Thackery stood. She had believed that he was angry with her for not being able to save his sister, or due to the fact that she left him for three hundred years. But it seemed like he still had feelings for her and Thackery hoped he still had feelings for him.

"If it wasn't for the fact that you are currently a cat, I would complement you back, Thackery."

"I assure you; I am still as handsome as you remember."

Sahe giggled lightly, making Thackery smile. The small group soon arrived at town hall and headed inside to look for Max and Danni's parents. Sage went with Dani to find her mom while Max stayed with Allison to find his dad.

Eventually they bumped into Mrs Dennison, dressed as Madonna. "Mom? What are you supposed to be?"

"Madonna. Well, you know...Well, obviously. Don't you think?"

"Come here."


"This girl here, Sage is a witch and the cat, Binx, he can talk. My brother's a virgin. He lit the Black Flame Candle. The witches are back from the dead, and they're after us. We need help."

"How much candy you had, honey?"

"Mom, I haven't OD'd. I haven't even had a piece. They're real witches, they can fly and they're gonna eat all the kids in Salem! They're real!"

Suddenly, Sage felt a pair of hands on her waist. She spun around only to be met with a guy dressed like Elvis and who looked to be in his mid-twenties. Before she even realised, Thackery meowed aggressively and swiped at the man's face, clawing his nose. The guy immediately backed off, calling Sage every name under the sun.

"Men." Thackery muttered softly.

Sage smiled a little, even in his cat form, he was still protective of her. Sage followed Dani and her mother as they went to find Max and his father. Once again, the group was all together and arguing over the situation, of course the adults didn't believe the kids.

"Max! They're here!" Dani suddenly shouted.

Sage turned to see Winnie and Mary wandering around, Sage then wondered where the third was. Sarah was nowhere to be found. Max then left the group and made his way towards the stage.

"Hey, cut the music." Max said as he snatched the mic off the lead singer of the band. "It's an emergency. Only for a minute. Will everybody listen up, please? Your kids are in danger."

The crowd burst into speaking, confused by what Max had said.

"Three hundred years ago, the three Sanderson sisters bewitched people. And now they've returned from their grave."

Laughter then came from the crowd. Typical adults.

"Hey, man, I'm serious! It's not a joke. I know it sounds dumb, but they're here tonight. They're right over there!"

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