12 | A GIFT

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     SAGE SLOWLY WALKED over to her cottege, it looked quite different all white instead of its usual brown. She slowly opened the door and was greeted by a woman, also dressed in white.

The woman turned, she had a book in her hand. It looked very similar to the book that Winnie had, but it wasn't wrapped in human skin or had an eye on it. It was wrapped in a golden cloth with a star on the front.

"Sage Sanderson!" The woman greeted happily. "Oh how wonderful it is to meet you."

Sage didn't reply, she was completely lost on everything.

"Ah, right. I am..." The woman paused. "Actually, I don't remember. I have a terrible memory. Anyway, you, little white witch, are exactly who I was expecting."

"I'm so confused." She replied.

The woman continued to smile. "Here." She held out the book for Sage to take. "I was the one who gave you your immortality. A little gift from me for turning away from your sisters magic. I hope you like it."

Sage looked at the book. "I suppose it came in use for tonight. But it made me live quite a lonely life."

The woman nodded. "I am aware of how lonely it can be. But you are not alone. You have that cat! Or human, he's human now. But you know who I speak of."

Sage's mind raced. "Hes still immortal?"

"Of course. The spell your sister used made him immortal and a cat. The one use used just reversed the cat part."

The words made her smile. She wasn't going to be alone.

"But, I have another gift for you." The woman pointed to the book. "He is the counterpart. The book of good. I'm sure you'll find him very useful. Be careful with him, however, some of the spells can backfire if the book doesn't think you're good enough to use them."

Sage looked down at the white book. It felt so light. She opened it and was greeted to spells upon spells for healing, and helping others.

"He is a very good companion. He knows exactly what you need when you need it."

"I'm still confused." Sage spoke. "Why another gift?"

"You stopped your sisters. You saved that Dani girl. You broke the spell on your boyfriend. You have always been a kind witch. It isn't often we find witches like that." The woman clapped her hands together. "Right, you need to get back, and unfortunately you missed most of the fight."

"I missed what-"

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