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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Once I made it back home, I grabbed the shopping bags from the backseat, struggling just a bit before I finally got everything together, opening the front door with ease.

But the moment I walked into the house I could hear the sound of the bed creaking a bit, my stomach turning as I sat the bags down by the door before heading for the room I and Jace shared.

And just as I thought, Jace was in the bed fucking his best friend Chloe.

"Uh, can y'all stop so I can grab my things?" I asked, the two jumping at the sound of my voice that was currently monotone, but truly I was trying to hold myself back from cussing these two out, knowing I cry when I'm mad like this.

"Shit Y/n why didn't you knock" "...I live here, or I used to actually" I answer Jace, already heading towards the closest so I could grab my things and just go, also grabbing some of my things from the bathroom.

"H-hurry up so I can get dressed," Chloe says to me, the girl wrapped up in the sheets as I raised my brow at her, still trying to hold myself back.

"I know you're not rushing me, let's keep it cute now," I say to her, my suitcase and bag already packed, my charger already in my car.

"Oh and Jace I'll be back tomorrow for the rest of my things, hopefully, y'all will be dressed" I add before walking right out of the room, not even letting my ex get a word out before I left out.

It took me a few moments to get some of my stuff into the car, and there was a lot of Jace begging me to not leave him, but I pretty much had everything done besides some clothes and things that I was coming back for later.

"Y/n-" "Jace can you just shut up, please? You've been cheating on me for who knows how long, I was bound to find out" I say, slamming my door shut and driving away from the home, finally letting a few tears slip before deciding to call Bakugou.

𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝗼𝐮'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"Good job today Bakugou," Aizawa said to me in his usual tone as I placed my gear up, my phone in my pocket.

"Yeah, thanks" I grumbled, walking passed the man and everyone else as I left out to my car, just ready to go home and finally rest.

But once in my car, I had gotten a call from Y/n, making me instantly answer her as usual.

"Wassup?" "C-can I come over?" In an instant I got worried, Y/n never really cries, maybe yells or something but crying was a last resort for her.

"Yeah, I'm driving back from the station but I'll meet you there so we can talk," I say, getting a broken "okay" before we hung up, my hands gripping the steering wheel for a moment before taking in a breath and driving home.

It didn't take long to get home and when I got out of the car I saw Y/n had everything packed up into her car.

"Shit, what happened?" I asked, my hands on Y/n's waist, looking down to see her crying.

"I should of fucking left earlier, h-he was cheating on me I-" "Jace was cheating on you?" "Mhm, with Chloe"

Once Y/n told me Jace had cheated, my grip tightened on her a bit, knowing I never liked that guy from the moment they got together.

"You can stay with me if you want" "huh? I don't want to intru-" "Y/n we've been friends forever, I don't mind you staying here"

"*sigh* fine, and don't tell anyone I was crying, or else I'll beat you up with your mom watching" she threatened, making a chuckle leave my lips.

"I'm sure my mom would probably jump in" "probably, anyways come on, you got food?" Y/n asked, holding my hand as she used the spare key I gave her.

"You're so weird, but yeah, I was gonna cook" "I am not weird" "sure you aren't, now go to the room across from mine while I get started" "okay but you better shower too, you smell like a burnt forest" Y/n laughed as she walked off.

𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝗼 𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Now in Bakugou's guest room, I had taken a moment to let out a breath that I'd somehow been holding onto.

In a way, I was a bit nervous to ask Bakugou to let me stay here, but I guess it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

Anyways though I had cleaned myself up and changed into some spandex shorts, a crop top, and a spare bonnet from the bathroom that I always leave behind for visits.

Once I was done getting changed I kind of walked around the room for a bit, deciding to tell my mom about this in the morning, hopefully after I get the last of my things.

But as I thought about my new situation, the smell of food started to fill my senses and catch my attention as I decided to go into the kitchen to see Bakugou cooking.

Now I know I just got out of a relationship not even a full day ago, but I couldn't help but admire my best friend, he was currently in grey sweatpants that hung low and he wore a tank shirt that showed off his arms, giving me something to imagine.

But as I stared at Bakugou, I didn't realize he noticed my eyes on him.

"You're staring pretty hard right now, you need something?" The man asked me, not even turning his attention from the food.

"Nah, I just wanted to watch you cook," I say, sitting up on the counter next to the blond, seeing him glance at me.

"Now that I think about it, you're pretty short" Bakugou stated, only laughing when I kicked his hip, not the hardest kick I've ever given him.

"Bruh you're five inches taller" "exactly, you're so short" the blond laughed again, mocking my height despite me still being tall.

Besides Bakugou's lame jokes, he was finally done cooking and had made my plate that was sort of identical to his, the man giving me a big portion.

"Bruh you always give me huge portions" "cause if I don't then you're gonna get up in the middle of the night to eat up my food" "I- wooooow, okay I see how it is"

After some light-hearted jokes and getting in a few bites, I asked my friend a question.

"Hey so since I left Jace I still have some things over there, can you come with me tomorrow to get them?" I ask knowing I'd end up punching the man or something.

"Yeah of course, plus I need to teach the guy a lesson" Bakugou grinned, his red eyes showing what kind of lesson he was hinting at.

"Yeah well I'll let you have fun with that"

For the rest of dinner, I and Bakugou just talked about basically anything we could think of, but eventually, it was getting late and the two of us kept yawning to the point of tears at this point.

"Guess we should finally go to bed," I say before yawning for the millionth time "yeah we should, anyways get some rest" "yeah you too" and with that, the two of us went into our separate rooms for the night.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1274

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