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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
It's been a few days since the brunch fiasco and Katsuki had forced me to rest this whole time thanks to the deep cut healing slower than the one on my hand surprisingly.

I couldn't exactly do much with my left hand but despite my arm my right hand was decent, so I'd at least do simple things, but of course, Katsuki would stop me if he ever saw me doing anything that wouldn't involve him doing it instead.

But right now was my chance as the man was dead asleep in our bed, and right now I was pretty thirsty, so I had gotten up quietly, even tipped out of the room so I couldn't be heard.

Once I made it out I was still trying to be quiet, but that all failed when I stepped on a wooden board that creaked for a moment, forcing me to freeze, wondering if Katsuki heard me.

After realizing he didn't, I quickly ran off to the kitchen, realizing that I wanted more than something to drink, walking into the pantry to grab a snack as well.

Before I could completely toss my doctor's advice and reach my arm up without care of my stitches, I felt Katsuki's body heat from behind as he grabbed the snack for me.

"Really?" He asked with a broad look "What? I'm tired of just laying in bed, let me do stuff" I rolled my eyes, now reaching my hand out to open the fridge, Katsuki again moved me out of the way and grabbed my drink for me.

"..." "What? Stop standing there and come on" "Come on? You're supposed to be nice to me" I stated while following along back to our room.

"I have been, you're just hardheaded" The blond rolled his eyes while I glared for a moment, but once back in bed with my little snack, Katsuki had turned the TV on and had picked out my favorite movie which did help relax me a bit.

As the movie played I heard a knock on the door, but before I could attempt to get up, Katsuki was up.

Now I was trying to listen in on what was going on, only to hear some mild and familiar cussing and a "hey son-in-law" just before my mom and aunt stormed into the room, Dominic, Aizawa, and my dad following in after the two women.

"Uh, why's there a whole reunion going on right now?" I deadpanned "Because we're worried baby," Mom said while hugging me, being careful of my arm as she kissed my cheek "Yeah let us take care of your pumpkin" Dad added while also giving me a kiss and a hug, surprised me because he was usually working around this time.

"But I'm fine" "Girl don't even," Mom says just before ushering me into the living room so they all could take care of me.

So now I was bundled up in a very thick blanket with the air practically ice cold as mom made dad cook, Dominic, Aizawa, and Bakugou helping.

"Those hoes lucky I wasn't there, would have died the moment they raised their voices," Mom says "I would have gotten them if Shota wasn't hating and holding me back" Aunt Erica complained while rolling her eyes.

"Well I still handled business, and Katsuki helped," I say, the blond currently allowing me to lay against him since he came over to join the conversation.

"I wish I did more" "They're woman Katsuki" "They don't look like it to me" the blond responds, obviously making my family crack up at his words.

"They better be careful next time, I think our little son-in-law might jump in for real" Mom laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, do you have to keep calling him that? We're not even married" I complained, suddenly nervous with the talk of us being married.

"Why not? You'll be my wife soon, I promised didn't I?" Katsuki asked while kissing my cheek, everyone including my brother erupting in "aw" My face was on fire as all I could do was hide my face in Katsuki's chest out of embarrassment.

"Oh my god"

Anyway, we had found some other subject to talk about, my parents babying me as we chilled, mom, telling me about some murder documentary she wanted to watch since we were all here together.

"Speaking of" "Wow" "that ugly man's in jail now" "Huh?" We all raised a brow at my brother, confused about who he was talking about.

"Jace, apparently he was tried against the city for some crimes, and that sentence is heavy as hell" Dominic cleared up, all of us shocked for a moment before laughing.

"That's what he gets" I nodded, everyone of course agreeing with my words.

But eventually, dinner was ready and we all ate, continuing to talk and such.

Honestly, even though I had sort of opposed the visit thanks to not wanting to be babied so much, I was glad everyone had shown up, my family and Katsuki making this situation even better than what most would expect.

Even as we got later into the night and we all migrated over to the living room, I was happy that everyone was here, today was a very good day.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 896

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