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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
For the past two weeks Y/n had been working overtime a bit, taking up work from others on her team because they simply didn't do the work, Y/n's boss recognized this and gave Y/n compensation for her work.

"*sigh* why couldn't they just do the work? Now we're behind on so many clients' information" Y/n groaned to herself, the same sentence being uttered by her every day since this problem occurred.

The situation was one that just shouldn't have happened because this was the time of year when they'd have an increase of clients to work on.

But somehow Y/n was still able to finish them, but it did result in her getting extremely tired, and whenever Bakugou was able to come home he'd see the woman either still working or completely knocked out on the couch or at her desk set up.

To him, he thought they should just make the lazy bastards do their work or just find new people who want to do it. But he knew it wasn't possible with the short notice.

So Bakugou decided to just take care of Y/n in any way he could, normally just cooking dinner and making her eat before taking the woman to bed.

But tonight he had made a stop at Y/n's favorite restaurant and got all of her favorites, even getting her a new bonnet and hair products just because.

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
After finishing another account, I was finally done, logging off of my computer and leaning back in my chair with closed eyes for a moment before hearing the front door open, getting up to see it was Katsuki who had walked in with bags in hand.

"What's all of this?" I asked, walking over to help him "it's for you" he simply stated, allowing me to see one of the bags was from my favorite restaurant, almost shocking me a bit.

"You got me all of this?" I ask while looking into the bag as we walked into the kitchen.

"Mhm, and it's all of your favorites by the way, and I got you some hair stuff or whatever" the blond rolled his eyes, knowing I was looking at him surprised, a small huff being let out from the man when I hugged him.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to," I say, feeling Katsuki hug me back "mhm, well I just wanted to do something nice since you've been working overtime and stuff" Katsuki explained before kissing my lips.

"Aren't you tired though?" I questioned "Nah I'm fine, anyways you can start eating, I'm gonna change real quick," Katsuki said before walking off.

While he was gone I had fixed both mine and Katsuki's plates, taking a bite from his before adding onto his plate again, trying to make it seem like I hadn't taken a bite.

But once Katsuki had gotten back we had started a movie the two of us now chilling on the couch.

At some point though after finishing our food and starting up another movie, I had stood up, popping my back, my entire spine popping, Katsuki giving me some weird look.

"What?" "Did you not hear your spine? The entire thing just popped" he said, still giving me that look while I rolled my eyes.

"You pop your back all the time, and that damn neck" I complained, not even fazed when Katsuki made me sit between his legs, the man pinching my arm before placing his hands on my shoulders, beginning to massage them and my neck.

"There is nothing wrong with popping my neck," he said before squeezing on a knot, making me grimace a little from the feeling.

"It is a problem if it sounds like you snapped it" "sure" was his final response before moving his hands down a bit to my shoulder blades, thumbs digging into my tired muscles, small sighs escaping my lips from the feeling of letting go of the tension.

And as my boyfriend's hand went further down, the man still taking his time on each part of my back, I accidentally let out a moan when he pressed a thumb to the dimples above my ass, the area just always seems to be sensitive like other random area's of my body.

But when I covered my mouth from shock, I didn't dare turn around, but instead of stopping, Katsuki kept on "massaging" the area, his lips lightly kissing and sucking on my neck.

"You must be real tense here huh? Bet that feels good" Katsuki said as his breath fanned against my neck, getting a hum out of me as I tried to keep quiet, but Katsuki was making it a lot harder as he started moving his hands that were inching their way to my thighs.

"Can't forget about this, I'm sure you're tense here" he chuckled in amusement before his hands began to squeeze and smooth over my thighs, and when I tried to close them, embarrassingly trying to get some form of friction, all I got was a taunting laugh before he completely had moved his hands away from me.

"You good now?" He asked as if nothing had happened, getting an annoyed look from me.

"What?" "You know why I'm looking at you like that, hm" I crossed my arms before getting up, turning to see a grin on his face.

"What? I was just trying to help you relax" "you're annoying Katsuki," I say as the two of us walked to his room that was a perfect chill.

"You weren't saying that earlier" he stated as I had changed into one of his shirts and boxers, now turning to look at him with an unamused look before being pulled over to the blond.

"I'm gonna get you back for that," I say once Katsuki's hands found their way back to my hips.

"You think you can?" "I know I can, now come on unless you're just going to stand there all night," I say, climbing into Katsuki's bed with him following suit.

"You're cute when you have an attitude" "sure I am, what happened to you being nice to me?" "What do you mean? I'm always nice" Katsuki lied, the lie too funny for even him to believe as we both laughed.

"Anyways thank you for tonight, like actually" "it's nothing, you deserve to be able to relax and stuff, and it's my job to make sure you do," Katsuki said, both of us slowly slipping away.

"Mhm, well thank you, I'll make sure I repay you" "hm, repay me? I like the sound of that" he grinned, chuckling at my deadpanned expression.

"I'm sure you do"

And now as we both fell asleep, arms wrapped around each other, I couldn't help but smile, not only relaxed physically but also mentally, lightly kissing Katsuki's chin before we had finally fallen asleep.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1162

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