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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"Hm, move Katsuki, it's hot in here" Y/n complained, she and Bakugou sleeping in the same position since that night, the woman waking up to realize just how hot it was under the covers.

"No, just stick your foot out to cool down" "But then something's gonna grab my foot" Y/n stated, rolling over to face the blond, Bakugou looking at her with an unamused look.

"As if something would try and take you" "You tryna say something?" Y/n questioned, "No, I'm just saying why would something try to take you while I'm here to protect you?" Bakugou stated, knowing it wasn't what he was thinking, the man knowing better than to earn himself an early morning ass whooping.

"Mhm, well can you please turn the air on?" "*sigh* yeah I got it" Bakugou complied, getting up, throwing on some clean boxers first before walking over to the ac to make the room cooler, the man deciding to venture into his kitchen while Y/n had fallen back asleep, or tried to till she got a call on her phone.

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"*mumble* yeah?" "Yeah, that's the greeting a nigga gets when he calls his little sister?" My brother Dominic spoke, my eyes widening in an instant.
Your brother

"Oh my god D? Boy why haven't you called me?" "You know I was out on a business trip, but I got some questions for you, so tell blondie to open the door" my brother demanded, slight fear striking through me as I hung up and jumped out of bed

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"Oh my god D? Boy why haven't you called me?" "You know I was out on a business trip, but I got some questions for you, so tell blondie to open the door" my brother demanded, slight fear striking through me as I hung up and jumped out of bed.

While I searched through the closet to put on clothes, ones that covered my hickeys, once dressed I ran out with some sweats for Bakugou, knowing that the last thing my brother should see was the aftermath of last night.

"Katsu-" "who- oh shit" my boyfriend spoke, Dominic standing there as I stood behind Bakugou with his clothes in hand, a sigh leaving my lips.

"...I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see anything 'cause you're my homeboy" Dominic stated before turning to me, already knowing the deal as he held his arms out for me to run right for him.

"Bruh I missed you so much D" "I missed you too sis" my brother responded before placing me back onto the ground, the man making me feel like I was no more than 5'2, Dominic being around 6'8.

Anyway, Katsuki had left to pull on some clothes while I had finished breakfast, making a bit more food since my brother was here.

"*knock knock" "Huh? Who's that?" Dominic asked "Oh I kind of told Izuku you were here," I said, walking over to the door after turning the stove off, and seeing the green-haired boy standing at the door.

"Where's my friend at?" Midoriya asked, pushing me to the side and going straight for my brother.

"Well damn me then"

Once done cooking, Katsuki came back in his sweats, the three men were all just chatting it up while I sat there, a bit annoyed if you asked me.

"Damn y'all forgot about me huh?" I complained, the three all turning to me.

"Aw does my little sis want some attention?" Dominic asked, pinching my face while making baby noises.

"D stop, you're embarrassing me," I say, seeing Izuku and Katsuki both cracking up at this interaction.

"Why? Cause your little boyfriend's here? And speaking of, why wasn't I the first to know about Jace?" Dominic asked, my attention going everywhere but his gaze.

"Cause I know you're crazy," I said with a flat tone, my brother looking annoyed.

"I'm not crazy, and I should be paying his bitch ass a visit for not treating you right" my brother spoke, a sigh leaving my lips.

"Sure" I rolled my eyes before turning to Izuku "Anyways how'd you get here so fast?" "Oh, I was already in the car when you texted" the man explained.

"Weirdo" "You're the last one to be calling someone a weirdo, 'cause who answered the door half naked?" Izuku asked Katsuki, both my brother and I looked shocked for a moment before laughing.

"Hey, I didn't know Dominic was gonna be there" "So? You probably scared him half to death with that bird chest" "Hey I wouldn't take that" my brother and I said in unison, the two of us cracking up as Katsuki chased Izuku around the house, seeming to genuinely want to kill him.

Eventually, after spending most of our day catching up with my brother, we all went out to dinner together, Dominic using this as an opportunity to poke fun at me and such.

But once we did calm down and continued dinner, I couldn't help but be happy that my brother was finally back, Dominic seems to not mind that I was hugging him as if I were still a kid.

And along with Dominic around again it felt good to have him and the two most trusted people in my life all surrounding me currently, and as we ate dinner, I wished that this moment could last forever.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 860

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