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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Ever since getting back home, Y/n was stuck in her head, truly having to think about things, overcomplicating them a bit.

For starters, she had just been cheated on and despite her very deep feelings for Bakugou, Y/n didn't know if it was time to get into something so serious again.

But at the same time, she didn't mind the idea of dating her best friend, aware of the things Bakugou already does for her.

And as for Bakugou, he thought of this as his chance to finally just tell Y/n his feelings, knowing he had been dancing around the subject and sort of hiding behind the facade he created.

Eventually, Bakugou was getting back from work, his fingers tapping against the steering wheel as he got closer to his home.

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
After being in my head for so long, I realized it was nearly time for Katsuki to be back, the sound of keys alerting me that he was finally here.

For a second I tried to make myself look a bit better despite already being in my night clothes and having my bonnet on, which was cute so I won't complain too much.

After greeting each other Katsuki went to sit his things down and get changed in his room before coming back, the two of us now on the couch.

"So...you like me or something?" I had asked flat out, Katsuki looking at me shocked for a moment from my tone before his face rested, looking away for a second.

"Yeah, for a while actually" he confessed with pink cheeks, which kind of surprised me a bit as an excited feeling filled my stomach.

"Really?" "Mhm, but what about you? You're the one who kissed me the second time" the man spoke, making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah you're alright or whatever" "Beautiful I'll throw you over my shoulder, be for real" Katsuki looked at me annoyed "as if"

Honestly, I wish I knew how to keep my lips shut once in a while, Katsuki doing the exact thing he said he would.

"Put me down Katsuki" "Nah I'm good, maybe you'll tell me how you feel like this" the man laughed as I tried hit his back, my hits doing nothing till I simply gripped his butt.

"Really?" "My bad my hands slipped" I lied, not expecting to feel a harsh slap on my ass, a yelp leaving my lips while I heard the blond laugh.

"Sorry, my hand slipped," he said smugly, placing me back on the couch "bruh control your strength once in a while, your rough ass hands" I complained, watching Katsuki roll his eyes

"you did it first" "bit-" "anyways, don't act like you haven't answered my question" he had cut me off, his gaze locked on me.

"Well obviously I like you back, even if you're weird" I joked, getting closer to Katsuki.

"Yeah whatever" he disregarded what I said before kissing me, this time a bit slower with a lot more passion.

As we kissed and it got deeper, Katsuki lightly pushed me to my back, his large hand holding onto my thigh, Katsuki bit my lip a little, a deep chuckle rumbling in his chest once he pulled back.

"Now that's out of the way, will you go on a date with me?" Katsuki asked, a little smile pulling at my lips from the question.

"Of course" I answered, seeing a true smile on the blond's face before he moved back down to keep kissing me, the two of us making out for a good while till our lips were puffy and all of my lip gloss was now on Katsuki.

"We should probably go to bed," I say, seeing Katsuki rub his lips together for a second before chuckling.

"Yeah probably" he stated before getting off of me, also helping me up before we had gone to bed, telling each other goodnight before going to our separate rooms.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 674

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