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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
It's been about a month since I started staying with Bakugou. It was very relaxing but also fun, my best friend always found something to say to strike up an actual conversation.

But on nights when Bakugou had to sleep in the station, normally Fridays, Bakugou was sure to text me about everything, being sure to tell me good night before falling asleep.

Today though, Bakugou would be coming back at a normal time surprisingly, but for now, I decided to stop by the store to get some things before then.

As I walked around, grabbing some cereal and some milk, my cart accidentally hit someone.

"Oh my bad" I apologize, the person turning out to be Chloe, an annoyed gaze quick to wash over her face.

"Oh it's you, I bet you're glad that I and Jace broke up" she started, making me roll my eyes.

"Should I care or something?" I question "ugh whatever, but just know that I'll get my revenge on you" Chloe threatened me, her eyes showing some kind of dislike towards me, the girl looking surprised when I started to laugh.

"Pft my bad, it's just, who the hell are you talking to?" I asked, catching my breath as Chloe looked at me.

"Look I'm not scared of you, I mean you were a side chick, and now look, single while Jace calls me every day, begging for me to come back" my voice was kind of taunting Chloe, my gaze low as I looked down at her.

"W-whatever, my point still stands," Chloe said before walking away from me, a little bit faster than her usual walk, making me grin to myself before I finished up shopping and going home.

Once getting home I decided to change into a hoodie, but not my own of course.

I wandered into Bakugou's room, seeing the simple decorations and his mounted tv, a mirror also perfectly placed to face his bed, my mind quickly going to the gutter before I pulled it out of there.

Eventually, I made it to the man's closet, picking out a hoodie as if I were shopping.

But eventually, my eyes landed on a black hoodie with a skull on it, one of Bakugou's most worn hoodies, and now being picked out by me.

The hoodie was soft and thick, the smell of sweet cinders that were produced by fire, a faint natural musk so soft that I barely noticed till getting the sudden smell of the mush, and the sweet warm smell of Bakugou's cologne to top it all off.

Maybe it was a tad weird but I found the smell sort of comforting honestly.

Once I pulled the hoodie on I walked out to make a small charcuterie board, seeing my mom sending me a random Pinterest picture saying that we should do it one day, and I might as well practice now.

While watching a video on the little pepperoni flowers, I also had some music playing "Hold on, we're going home" by Drake.

𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝗼𝐮'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Today had been an extremely boring day and I was able to go home after Midoriya and a few others took over to relieve us from our duties.

I had decided to just go straight home, not expecting to see Y/n dressed in my hoodie, her head bopping along to the sound of Drake.

"What's going on in here?" I question, seeing Y/n jump at the sound of his voice before letting out a breath.

"Firstly stop scaring me, and secondly I'm making a charcuterie board" Y/n smiles, holding the board so I could see.

"Why would you eat cheese with grapes?" I question, looking at Y/n "it's an experience, look, go get comfortable so we can try it while watching a movie" as Y/n spoke, a bit of attitude in her tone, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"What?" "Nothing, you just look cute in my hoodie" I grin before leaving to change, leaving behind a nervous Y/n.

After changing into some sweatpants and a black shirt, Y/n had a bright idea to put this snail shit on my face.

"Katsuki it's a face mask, calm down," she said, currently straddling my legs, ignoring my hands that were placed on her hips.

"It's already on my face now, this shit's cold too" I complained, watching Y/n roll her eyes at me "you know this isn't even that bad" she stated, which was pretty much true, but I won't admit it.

Once we finally got a movie on we started eating the little charcuterie board, which was pretty good I guess, even the little grapes with cheese.

Y/n was sitting pretty close to me, her eyes focused on the movie that was playing.

But as I admired her for a moment, she looked over at me.

"You good?" "Yeah I'm fine, so when do we wash this off?" I asked, kind of liking the cool feeling of the jelly-textured mask on my face.

"It's been long enough, come on" now after pausing the movie we went to my bathroom to wash the masks off, Y/n rubbing moisturizer on my face despite me saying I could do it myself.

"Perfect, your skin looks so soft" she smiled, skin glowing bright like the smile on her lips.

"Yeah the mask was alright or whatever, you look good though" I grin, my eyes lingering on the woman till we went back into the living room to finish the movie and start another one.

This time on the couch Y/n was right next to me, her head resting on my thigh, making me a bit embarrassed of how close she was, but I wasn't going to say anything.

But just as my favorite part of the movie passed and I was about to talk to Y/n about it, I realized she was asleep, lips slightly parted as silent sighs escaped her.

I always had a love-hate relationship with moments like these, not because I don't like them, but because of that fact, my mind would only focus on that like there was nothing else for me to think about.

"*sigh* fucking idiot didn't even put her bonnet on," I say, lightly moving the woman's head off of my thigh so I could grab a Ruby red bonnet from my bathroom, the same bonnet that I "accidentally" took from her a while ago.

But anyways I went back into the living room and tried my best to do the little night twists Y/n does before putting her bonnet on.

"Better thank me in the morning" I mumble, putting a blanket over my "friend" before getting back onto the couch, my head now thrown back, ready for sleep.

"*mumble* thank you Katsuki" I heard Y/n tiredly say, her head back in my thigh as I tiredly smiled.

"Yeah you're welcome Beautiful"

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1168

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