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𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝗼𝐮'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"Alight I'm out" I announced to Y/n despite her laying in bed, still hearing a yell "okay" from her.

"Today better be slow," I say to myself, Wednesdays are always a hit or miss due to it being the middle of the week.

Once I made it to the fire station I clocked in, as usual, the receptionist doing her daily routine of wasting my time.

"Good morning Bakugou, you know you look really good today, any reason?" Uraraka grinned at me, eyeing me up as she rested her chin on her palm.

"Nope" "hey now that you mention it, Bakubro, your skin is better than normal, and that's saying something" Kirishima spoke, nearly making my soul jump from walking over so silently.

"I don't know, guess that face mask shit Y/n had me try works" a simple shrug of my shoulders followed as I spoke, knowing that if Y/n were here, she'd be rubbing in the fact that the mask works.

But after nearly the whole station came out from the mention of Y/n, Aizawa had made everyone disperse so we could do our usual chores around the station.

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"I need to get up" I groan, literally rolling myself out of the bed, not surprised when I ended up on the floor, somehow finding humor in the situation as I got myself up.

Today my boss wouldn't be in for work and he had decided to just give me and our small team paid time off for today, the paid part was the only thing I cared about honestly.

But once up I had gone to the kitchen, searching through Katsuki's fridge to find something to eat, also realizing that he left his lunch.

"And he calls me forgetful" I roll my eyes, grabbing a few things from the fridge to make myself a toasted bagel sandwich, making two and doing a Lil extra so I could bring that to Katsuki, getting a text from him saying that today was a slow day at the station.

"I would be a perfect housewife honestly, got the Lil work-from-home job, I'm fine as hell too, shit I'm amazing" I boasted to myself as "All the stars" by Sza and Kendrick Lamar played.

Once I was done cooking and I had fixed Katsuki's lunch, trying to piss him off by writing a little corny note that I copied from Pinterest, I ate my food before getting ready, feeling the need to dress up.

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
While Y/n had gotten ready, Bakugou was still chilling on his phone, and Todoroki and Sero getting back from doing an oil change on the fire truck.

"Man with how slow it is we might as well eat lunch now and then an extra hour" Sero suggested, everyone not minding the idea, the mention of lunch made realization hit Bakugou.

"*grumble* shit I left my lunch," the man said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh, Bakugou if you don't have lunch you can have some of mine" Uraraka offered, sitting down rather close to the man, her head turning to the door at a woman's voice, Y/n walking in.

"Hey, do y'all know where Katsuki is? He left his lunch" Y/n spoke, nobody hearing a word she said, too focused on her beauty and the outfit that emphasized it.
Hair and fit check

Bakugou was on the same train as everyone else, licking his lips as he looked Y/n up and down, barely realizing she was standing in front of him

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Bakugou was on the same train as everyone else, licking his lips as he looked Y/n up and down, barely realizing she was standing in front of him.

"You okay Katsuki?" The woman asked, snapping the blond out of the trance he was in.

"Y-yeah *clears throat* I'm good," he said, having to look up at Y/n from his chair.

"If you say so, anyways here's your lunch, I better not hear you make fun of my memory anymore" the woman joked, everyone surprised to see Bakugou crack a smile at her tone.

"Whatever bruh" the man grinned, just as Sero and Denki walked over.

"Bruh? Do you not see this fucking goddess who made you lunch?" Denki exaggerated "literally, ma'am you do not understand the kind of honor it is to meet you" Sero praised, almost falling out at the perfect smile Y/n had flashed at him, amused with the two just as Midoriya had walked over, giving her a small hug.

"Do not act high and mighty, you two made me and Kacchan pull up her insta, and yo-" before Midoriya could finish Denki had placed a hand on his mouth, seeing Y/n raise a brow.

"What about my insta?" The woman grinned, a hand on her hip as she looked at the two, her attention being grabbed by an agitated sigh.

"Um, no offense but isn't it against the rules for outside people to be here?" Uraraka asked, sending Y/n a glare.

"Who said that?" Aizawa had walked past, currently eating some pasta.

"Oh my god Aizawa, I haven't seen you in forever" Y/n realized, giving the man who is also her uncle a hug, having been married to her aunt back when Y/n was only 10.

"I know, how have you been?" "Good, you being nice to my aunt?" Y/n asked "you need to be asking her that, that woman smacks me for messing with the food" Aizawa had sweat dropped.

"Hey aren't there enough chairs in here? Maybe Miss Y/n should stand, unless she wants to just go home" Uraraka spoke up, everyone looking at her with annoyed looks.

"She can have my seat" Sero and Denki were the first to say, Aizawa rolling his eyes before going to his office.

"Why would she sit with you losers?" Bakugou asked as Y/n walked over.

"Don't call my babies losers, they didn't do anything" Y/n defended, everyone behind her sticking up the middle finger at the blond, Midoriya included, all of them going to sweet smiles when she looked at them.

"Y'all fake as hell" Bakugou shook his head before pulling Y/n down to sit on his lap, everyone was shocked at the sudden action, seeing Bakugou shoot them a grin with his hand on Y/n's hip.

𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝗼 𝐘/𝐧
For most of the lunch, I was talking to Katsuki's friends, learning that Katsuki talks about me a lot during work.

"Wait don't you work? I hope we're not holding you up" Iida asked Y/n, seeing her shake her head.

"No my boss gave me paid time off today, that's why I made Katsuki lunch" I smile, feeling my position getting a bit uncomfortable, making me shift around a bit on Bakugou's lap.

"Anyways this is a really slow day for y'all like we've been sitting here for an hour or something," I say, Midoriya knocking on the wooden table, saying that he didn't want to be jinxed.

But for the millionth time, I couldn't get comfortable, moving my hands back on both Katsuki's thighs, not trying to grip them as I finally got comfortable, a bit shocked when I felt a harsh grip on my arm.

When I looked back at my friend I saw his face was covered in a deep red, and just before I could say anything I could feel something hard and pretty big against my ass, my eyes widening in a second as I locked eyes with Katsuki.

"*whisper* shit I'm so sorry" I apologized, about to stand up when a hand was placed on my hip.

"No it's fine, just hold up" Katsuki stated, waiting for his hard to go semi-soft before I told everyone I'd be going home, a bit embarrassed by the situation.

But to make my embarrassment worse, Katsuki walked me out to my car.

"Katsuki I'm so sorry" I apologized, hoping I didn't make things weird.

But before I could continue with my apology, Katsuki kissed me, shocking me again, and I guess the blond had noticed because he had pulled away.

"Shit I'm-" and now I was the one to make Katsuki nervous as I interrupted him with a kiss.

"Relax Katsuki, I'll talk to you at home," I say, light awkward tension in the air as of now.

"Yeah we'll talk then," the man said as I got into my car before driving to the house.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1405

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧- 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐘/𝐧Where stories live. Discover now