Welcome back to Top Gun

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This is going to start when he is called back to Top Gun

Maverick is called to the office of the head admiral. He is told that he is going back to Top Gun by his Wife. As Pete flew to Miramar he began to think about his children and his 'adopted' children. When he steps foot on the Top Gun base he is immediately brought the conference room where he met  Admiral Simpson and Admiral Bates. Admiral Simpson begin, "Your reputation precedes you." Pete nods with a smile, "Thank you, sir." Admiral Simpson stares with a blank face, "Wasn't a compliment. I'm admiral Beau Simpson. I'm the air boss. I believe you know admiral bates. Warlock, sir." Pete responds with with another smile, "Must admit, I wasn't expecting an invitation back." Admiral Bates tells the old Captain, "They're called orders, Maverick. You two have something in common. Cyclone here was first in his class back in '88." The old Captain looks done and then back up at the Admiral, " Actually, sir, I finished second. Just want to manage expectations."

Admiral Simpson sighs pressing a few buttons on his tablet to show the objective of the new mission, "The target. Is an unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant built in violation of a multilateral NATO treaty. The uranium produced there represents a direct threat to our allies in the region. The Pentagon has tasked us with assembling a strike team and taking it out before it becomes fully operational. The plant sits in an underground bunker at the end of this valley. Said valley is GPS-jammed and defended by an extensive surface-to-air missile array serving a limited number of fifth-generation fighters, which in turn are backed up by a plentiful reserve of surplus aircraft. Even a few old f-14s. Seems like we're not the only ones holding on to old relics." 

Warlock asks Maverick, "What's your read, captain?"

Maverick looks at the diagram of the mission, "Well, sir, normally this would be a cakewalk for the f-35's stealth, but the GPS-jamming negates that. And a surface-to-air threat necessitates a low-level laser-guided strike tailor-made for the f-18. I figure, two precision bombs, minimum. Makes it four aircraft flying in pairs. That is one hell of a steep climb out of there, exposing you to all the surface-to-air missiles. You survive that, it's a dogfight all the way home. All requirements for which you have real-world experience. Not in the same mission, sir. No. No, someone's not coming back from this." 

Cyclone then asks, "Can it be done or not?" Maverick turns to his superior, "How soon before the plant becomes operational?" Warlock answers, "Three weeks. Maybe less." Maverick turns back to the screen and begin to tell them, "Well, it's been a while since I've flown an f-18. I'm not sure who I'd trust to fly the other three. But I'll find a way to make it work..." Cyclone interrupt's the Captain, I think you misunderstand, captain." Maverick turns back around again, "Sir?" Cyclone continues, "We don't want you to fly it. We want you to teach it." Maverick stunned asks, "Teach, sir?" Warlock taps on the tablet to show on the screen there are 12 photos on the screen shown, "We've recalled 12 top gun graduates from their squadrons. We want you to narrow that pool down to six. They'll fly the mission." Maverick turns to glance at the screen only to notice four different photos, "Is there a problem, captain?" Maverick turns to look down and then at Cyclone, "You know there is, sir."

Bradley Bradshaw, aka "Rooster." 

Sarah Mitchell, aka "Rudy." 

Peter. Mitchell aka "Trouble."

 And Alexa Winford aka "Omega." 

Cylcone, "I understand you used to fly with his old man. And those are your kids and Lt. Alexa Winford's daughter." 

What was his call sign?"

Maverick, "Goose," sir."

Cyclone, "Tragic what happened."

Warlock states, "Captain Mitchell was cleared of any wrongdoing. Goose's death was an accident." Cyclone, "Is that how you see it, captain? Is that how Goose's son sees it?"  Maverick, "With all due respect, sir, I'm not a teacher." Cyclone, "You were a Top Gun instructor before." Maverick, "That was almost 30 years ago. I lasted two months. It's not where I belong."

Cyclone, "Then let me be perfectly blunt. You were not my first choice. In fact, you weren't even on the list. You are here at the request of Admiral Mitchell and Admiral Kazansky. A.K.A Hunter and Iceman, your wife and good friend. Now, your wife happens to be a woman I deeply admire, and she seems to think that you have something left to offer the Navy. What that is, I can't imagine. You don't have to take this job. But let me be clear: This will be your last post, captain. You fly for top gun, or you don't fly for the Navy ever again."

Later that evening Maverick steps into a bar and sits down and looks around. He looks to his right. Two young aviators where playing darts. The blonde aviator was throwing first. Other betting him on, "Twenty bucks you can't get three in a row."

"Well it certainly has been a while hasn't it been Pete," a voice says. A voice that he hasn't heard in over a few years. He looks over and sees a friend he hasn't seen in a long time, Penny Benjamin. He turns and looks at her and says very surprised, "Penny" The women chuckles and comes over to give him a small loving hug. Pete asks, "How long have you been here?" Penny answers, "Well your wife bought this place about a few years ago. I came back into town after dad passed. I wanted to have a normal job but it still reminded me of dad." Pete chuckles, "A few years? Mm-hmm. Yeah." Penny continues to work, "Yah not long after you got shipped off to the desert for pissing off Iceman and your wife." "That was three years ago?" Pete says dazed. Penny tells Pete, "You said you would come back. Then the next thing I know, you're off to Bosnia. Then Iraq. Both times. You get yourself in trouble, I make a call, and you're back in the air." 

Pete answers, "Penny, this was different." Penny argues back, "Pete, trust me, as improbable as it seems right now, somehow you'll be back in a fighter plane with your tail on fire. You keep leaving your family behind and it seems like you never talk to your wife. I see her come in after work and have a few beers with your kids." Pete smiles as Penny chides, her best friends husband as, "Don't give me that look." "I'm not giving you any look. I swear," Pete looks at her and says, "You look good." Penny turns around and reaches for a bell and rings it. The rest of the bar looks at Pete and cheers. "Much appreciated, pal." Pete asks, "What am I missing?"

His wife's friend tells him "Disrespect a lady, the Navy, or put your cell phone on my bar...you buy a round." Pete, "For everyone?" Penny answers smugly, "I'm afraid rules are rules. You're lucky it's early." 

Meanwhile, a couple of young pilots are playing pool and he sees some people walk in and starts to be a little ornery, "Oh, come on! What do we have here? If it ain't Phoenix! And here I thought we were special, coyote. Turns out the invite went or anyone."

The said person Phoenix retorts, "Fellas, this here's bag man." The person says back, "Hangman."  Phoenix, "Whatever. You're looking at the only naval aviator on active duty with a confirmed air-to-air kill." Hangman, "Stop. Mind you, the other guy was in a museum piece from the Korean war and Admiral Mitchell and Kazansky, have gotten plenty that beat the old man." Coyote, "Cold war. Different wars, same century. Not this one. Who are your friends?" "Payback." "Fanboy." 

Hangman speaks out, "Hey, Coyote."  Coyote, answers back, "Hey. Who's he?" Then they ask another man sitting with them eating a snack being really quiet speaks up and says casually, "Oh, I've been here the whole time." Phoenix explains, "The man's a stealth pilot. Literally."

The man with blonde hair a glasses corrects her, "Weapons systems officer, actually." Hangman retorts, "With no sense of humor. What do they call you?" He answers, "Bob." Phoenix, "No what is your call sign." Bob answers, "Bob. Bob Floyd." Phoenix looks at him in surprise and says, "You're my new backs eater? From Lemoore?" Bob answers, "Looks like it."

Hangman hands Bob a pool stick, "Yeah. Nine-ball, Bob. Rack 'em." Bob gets up and joins him, "Okay."  Hangman walks over to the bar to Penny, "Penny, my dear." Penny turns, "Yeah." Hangman, "I'll have four more on the old timer."

Top Gun Maverick: Maverick x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now