Death of a friend/someone is getting fired

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I sat down crying at the news Warlock, Iceman was dead. I was the Officer in charge and as we got ready to bury Iceman. We start with placing the flag over his caskets.

We do this so we honor the dead who were covered with flags and carried from the field of battle on a caisson. When the U.S. flag covers the casket, it is placed so the union blue field is at the head and over the left shoulder. It is not placed in the grave and is not allowed to touch the ground.

I yell out, "Ready, aim, fire." "Ready, aim, fire."

Gunshots rang out in the cemetery as I yell out once again, "Ready, aim, fire."

My family, and along with the rest of the military who new Iceman who was there, all salute as "Taps" is being played in the background.

3rd POV

( A/N; This next part never happens in the military, whatsoever. But I needed to do this for the plot.)

Cyclone brings Maverick into his personal office, "I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now. Take some time. Whatever you need."

Maverick replies standing in front of the desk, "I appreciate that, sir, but there is no time. The mission..."

Cyclone interrupts Maverick saying, "I'll be taking over the training from here."

Maverick, "Sir?"

Cyclone, "We both know you didn't want this job, captain."

Warlock asks his cohort, "Sir does my Admiral Mitchell know of this."

Cyclone answers him, "No she does not. You too have been around for too long and I intend to get rid of both of you starting with you and the mission."

Maverick asks Cyclone intently, "Sir, they're not ready."

Cyclone retorts back, "It was your job to get them ready."

Maverick pleads, "Sir, they have to believe that this mission can be flown."

Cyclone scoffs and says, "And all you've managed to do is teach them that it can't."

Maverick tries to argue, "Sir..."

Cyclone interrupts and says, stating, "You're grounded, captain. Permanently. That is all."

Warlock and Maverick share a look as they both walk out of the office. Warlock turns to Maverick and says, "You need to tell your wife about this, this has gone too long. He has been like this for the past 10 years."

Maverick looks at Warlock and says, "Okay, thanks, I will." They depart.

Top Gun Maverick: Maverick x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now