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A few weeks later 3rd POV

Pete walks into Y/N's bar and sees Jimmy, one of her employees along with his son, Trouble, "Hey, Mav." "Hey Dad."

Pete asks, "Jimmy. Is, uh...Is Y/N around?"

Trouble answers, "Uh, you don't remember mom took Omega and Rudy on a hunting trip in Colorado. And before you ask "no she did not say when she'd be back?"

So Pete goes back to his home and begins to fix his plane. As he is fixing the plane he looks through the hole and sees his whole family: Bradley (Rooster), Alexa (Omega), Peter (Trouble), Sarah (Rudy), and his wife Y/N (Hunter).

They hop in there planes and fly around. Rooster, Omega in one, Rudy and Trouble in another and Mav and Hunter together. They make jokes through the Comm, Rudy takes this time to say, "Dad, Um... I am dating Hangman."

Mav just yells, "WHAT!!"

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