Ch.1: Murder Family

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With the sudden hire of I.M.P Inc. Y/n, along with Blitzø and Moxxie, were walking into the head office of said company. Only to be greeted by the sight of two females. One small imp demon throwing knives at a dartboard. And a hellhound, kicking their feet up on a table while texting on the phone she was holding.

Blitzø: DADDY'S HOME! *Gets the hellhound in eyesight* LOONYYYYYY!

Blitzø in a sudden happiness boosted mood. Jumped forward to the hellhound for a hug... Only to be greeted by straightforward kick to the face... Dogs am I right?

Y/n: *looks down at Blitzø with a paw burn mark on his face.* You good?

Blitzø: *jumps back up instantely* She got one hell of a right kick

The little female imp suddenly walked over to Moxxie, to do what I assume is a... "Welcome back hug"... Never got one of those.

Female imp: Welcome back honey bun! *Hugs the life out of Moxxie*

Moxxie: *Wheezing for breath* GOOD TO BE BACK MILLIE!

While joyously hugging her husband. Millie notices the tall demon besides her and let's go of her man... Who just kinda slumped onto the floor.

Millie: Who's the newcomer?

Blitzø: Oh just someone who can order a drink with style.

Y/n: *Turns to Millie* Y/n, pleasure to meet you *takes out his hand towards Millie*

Millie: *takes the hand for a handshake* Oh my, a demon with manners... Pleasure to meet you too. I'm Millie. *Lets go off the hand and picks up Moxxie* This little rascal's-

Y/n: Backbone?

Millie: Wife... well maybe that too.

Moxxie: Hey...

Blitzø: "Hey" nothing Moxxie! Back to what's really important.

Blitzø proceeded to take Y/n's hand and walked him over to the hellhound... And for some unknown reason Blitzø's eyes glittered with joy.

Blitzø: Bucko meet the sweedest, fluffyest, most adorable creature in all of hell... *Presents the hellhound* My Loona!

Both Y/n and Loona looked at eachother with none caring eyes that just kinda seemed done with most things.

Y/n: Hi...

Loona: *goes back to swiping on her phone* Sup.

Blitzø: Dawwwww my favourite girl and my new employee getting along like two f**ktastic killer cobras in a batcave.

... Yeah I don't get analogy either.

Millie: Wait... New employee?

Moxxie: *Cracking his back in place* Y... yeah. Mr.Y/n-

Y/n: Y/n is fine.

Moxxie: Right... Ahem. Y/n here is a newly hired employee.

Blitzø: Yeah and goddamit is he worth the pay!

Moxxie: *looking at Blitzø with an irritated* Plus half of MY pay.

Blitzø: Eh you win some, you lose some, Moxxie.

Though Moxxie was growing more redder by the second. Millie, on the other hand wondered about her new colleague.

Millie: So is he any good?

Blitzø: *Chuckles* It's best if you see it.

Y/n: *looks at Moxxie* Hold your hands out.

With no reason to go against it. Moxxie held his hands out, when suddenly-

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