Ch.7: Ozzie's. Part 1.

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You know, it's not every day you get an introduction like this one every day, especially taken in the context of what happened last time.
After the emotional rollercoaster, that was the D.H.O.R.K.S incident. The I.M.P company was forced to take a week suspension from all business by the word of their owlish benefactor due to getting captured in their last outing.
With a week forced upon themselves, the gang separated their activities.

Millie took the week to visit her family again, educating the newly hired farmhands on how to properly go on about handleling hellcrop harvesting and hellhog maintenance. And also making sure they knew the severe punishment that layed behind using Millie's locker, which poor cousin Ronnie-Rath learned the hard way. Hey, at least the man can play the banjo flawlessly with his feet now! That's a plus.

Loona ironically socialized. Not a lot, mind you, and not with many people. It was mostly with Vortex "Tex" the hellhound bodyguard. I think there's was a party invite recently, but that's a story for another time.
Other than that, the young hellhound was merely on her phone... The action-explainer just yelled in pain, don't worry, they're okay.

Moxxie was surprisingly busy. With his wife away all week, the little imp decided to call up various high-end places in order to book a reservation for a specific date. Although, like most cases, the receiving end of every call ended with high and loud laughter towards Moxxie. Oof, hope it wasn't an important date.

Blitzø... Okay, I don't get paid enough to explain this. Hell with my contract, I got limits!
All I'll say is imagine the most horrifying, confusing, horse-themed thing ever... AND THEN MULTIPLY IT WITH SIX!
Whatever you'll end up thinking is probably not as bad as to what actually happened.

And last, Y/n... Well, Y/n... Okay, I gotta explain this one.
After the whole thing with the flashbacks, nearly dying, and the tear-filled singing. The abnormal imp simply layed in the exact same spot, in the exact same demolished room for a whole week. The only thing he did in that entire week was quietly hum along to whatever song the radio downstairs was playing.
He would get messages from everybody  just to do a check up with him, every message he'd reply with "I'm o.k." ... Something he was clearly not.
It was only due to Timothy's in-person check up on the seventh day, that Y/n was reminded that he smelled like a corpse and that he needed a shower, which he had to hurry up with because the whole "burning-man" operation would commence in a few hours.

Which brings us to the present, where the abnormal imp was showering whilst singing along to a song he had already heard. Unknowingly towards Y/n, he would soon have a guest knocking on his door.

Y/n: *Hears the door being knocked and stops singing* Who is it?

???: It's Moxxie... Can I come in?

Y/n: Uhhhh... sure.

Moxxie: *Opening the door* Thanks. * Seeing the demolished and no Y/n anywhere* ...

Y/n: *From the bathroom* Sorry about the mess, be out in a second.

After a good half-a-minute. The tall imp exited the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel covering his waist. Which gave the smaller imp a front-row seat to the live premiere that is Y/n's stomach.

Moxxie: *Blushing like a peach* Morning abs- Y/N! *Shakes his head and stops blushing* Y/n! Ahem. Morning Y/n.

Y/n: Uhhh... Morning to you too, Mox...

Moxxie: Yup, it's a really good morning.

Y/n: *Nodding agreeably* So it is... So it is.

It was a good morning.

Y/n: You uhhh... *Walking over to the only working thing in the kitchen* Want coffee?

Moxxie: Oh, sure! *Sitting on the side of the bed which wasn't completely demolished* I'll have a Neapolitan cappuccino, more cappu- than -ccino, make sure it's got no more than four ounces of milk; the beans won't have the right texture otherwise. If you don't have that, I'll have a Venti traditional misto. If you could, please use soy milk with two blond shots affogato and ristretto! I'd also love... three vanilla pumps at the very bottom, then add the coffee after, then add-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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