Ch.6. Truth Seekers. Part 2.

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I'm not gonna hold you, I've heard of battling your inner demons. But I've never heard of your inner demons slugging you after being subjugated into a state of unconsciousness by a green matcha-smelling mist.
I'll assume you don't need a recap... Perfect, let's get this show started.

So after a mind-boggling event. Y/n found himself in a place he never wanted to visit. His own subconscious, accompanied by none other than three figures, two of them looking like altered versions of him, and claiming to be the one thing he's been in need of... The truth.

Y/n: I'm sorry... You're what?!

Cowboy Y/n: Hell partner, I know we're strong, but I didn't hit you THAT hard.

Suit Y/n: Our intellect is capable of taking a few physical blows without any repercussions.

Bandaged man: ...

Y/n: *Getting back up* Okay, this is starting to get really freaky. Who the hell are you.

Suit Y/n: I suppose being called "Your truth" apt as is. Isn't as approachable as it should be. You may call me Agent.

Cowboy Y/n: *Tips his hat* Deadeye.

Y/n: And wha-

Deadeye: Listen, pal. You more or less interrupted our game. If you wanna talk? Take a seat. Needed a fourth man anyhow.

Y/n: No problem then. *Begins to walk... away*

Unsurprisingly, Y/n wasn't exactly in the mood to play with his lookalikes. But surprisingly enough, Y/n felt a sudden hand on his shoulder, exuding a small portion of a bigger force.

Deadeye: I'm trying to be nice here, pal.

Y/n: Yeah, sure...

Deadeye: I told you... We got a game going on.

Y/n: Then you can enjoy it by yourselves. *Shrugging the hand off his shoulder*

With his hand off Y/n's shoulder, Deadeye turned his sight back to his fellow lookalike, with a face stating. "Can I?"
Which Agent simply nodded to.
Before a second went by, Y/n felt the same hand on his shoulder, yet again.

Y/n: *Turns to Deadeye* What now-

And before you could think, Deadeye's fist clocked the tall impish hitman yet again. This time, to a state of unconsciousness.
I find it hilarious that you can get knocked out while being knocked out.

But back to what matters, not a lot of time went by before Y/n regained consciousness. Only this time, he was sitting beside his lookalikes, with four cards in front of him.

Y/n: *Caressing his jaw and looking at Deadeye* Guess you enjoyed that, huh?

Deadeye: A little more than you think, hehe. *Shuffeling the cards* We've waited lord-knows-how-long to finally talk to you. And you think we're just gonna let you waltz on outta because you are scared of a little poker? Boy, you must be out your damn mind.

Y/n: Christ, is that how I sound when I wear a hat?

Agent: *Checking his cards* Fortunately for all outside parties, no. On that ground, you have me to thank for.

Y/n: Obviously, you aren't gonna let me go, so at least tell me what you are. And don't say "truth!" Already had enough of tha-

Before Y/n had the chance to finish, the sound of a slammed table erupted from Deadeye's side. As Y/n turned to see him, all he met was a death stare that he was all too familiar with.

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