Chapter 10

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"God! She just texted you, didn't she? You didn't hear a word I just said," my cousin exclaims, hitting my shoulder as he seats himself next to me on the small wall. "Increíble," he mutters to himself before scooting obnoxiously closer.

"So, what did she say?" he asks, craning his neck to look at my screen even though I've already turned my phone off, knowing how this goes by now. I close my eyes and sigh, asking whatever higher power there is what I've done to deserve this.

Then I face my cousin and best friend. "She just sent me the location of tonight's date. Stop being a child," I tell him to which he only rolls his eyes.

He throws one of his arms over my shoulder and leans against me, blinking up at me in that dramatic way that's simply Cai. "As I was saying, I don't think this is a good idea," he repeats for the fiftieth time since I've told him about Elora and vaguely explained our deal.

I was hesitant to tell him at all because her history is private but as soon as I came home four nights ago to find Cai lounging on my bed like he so often does- he insists my bed is more comfortable than his and that if I care about his wellbeing, I should stop making a fuss about it- he instantly knew there was something on my mind. So I told him about my deal with Elora.

He's not a fan.

"Yes, I had a hunch," I mutter sarcastically.

"Hey, no need to snap at me! I'm only trying to look out for you," he argues, getting to his feet so he has more space for his theatrics. When he keeps speaking, he does so with all his body. "Look, primo, I'm the first that understands the struggle that is beautiful women." Understatement. My cousin is most likely the person with the most chaotic love life.

"But," he goes on, "It's just not like you to not think something through. And this is about your job!"

My eyes snap to the blue door at my right, the back entrance of our family's restaurant. "Keep it down, will you!" I hiss at my Cai. He's the only one that knows I work as an escort on the nights I don't help out here and that damn well needs to stay that way.

"Yes, sorry, sorry," he brushes me off. "Alexey, for real now, have you ever met a client more than once?" he asks. I pretend to think about it for a second, then shake my head. "And you said you two really hit it off," he trails off, waiting for me to nod. "On top of that, she's a virgin. Primo, you know they get clingy, don't you? She'll get a piece of you and then want it forever. It's the Perez charm. This whole thing is just begging to explode in your face."

I roll my eyes at him and shove his hand off my shoulder. "It's a very advantageous deal," I argue.

"¡Si Luis! That's why you were smiling at your phone," Cai says, letting me know he doesn't buy my shit. A wave of irritation catches me by surprise and I get to my feet.

"You have no idea what kind of women I usually have to put up with, okay? So here comes this really attractive, funny woman that agrees to pay a shit ton of money to see me every third day and you expect me to turn that offer down? Hell, now I have a steady income, Cai. You know what that means? It means I can finally pay off my debt. It means I can support my family without his help and go back to school! It means I can stop being a fucking prostitute, for fuck's sake. You don't get to judge me," I snap, losing my temper like I rarely do.

I blow out a breath, slumping back on the wall and running a hand through my hair. Five years of working as an escort and I still don't have nearly enough money to stop. Dammit, I hate this. Hate being poor and hate the goddamn system that forces me to work my ass off for something that wasn't my fault. I should have never been brought to the hospital that night.

I can feel Cai sitting back down next to me but don't open my eyes. When his arms come around me as much as our position allows, I readily turn towards him and bury my face in his neck. As his familiar scent invades my senses, the anger and frustration slowly seep from me.

"I'm sorry for teasing. You do what you have to do. And if you get some enjoyment out of it as you climb out of this shithole then even better," he tells me seriously. I nod, letting him know I heard him and that's where his sentimental streak ends again.

Bumping his shoulder against me, he says, "So, tell me some more about her. Or the hotel she invited you to. Is she filthy rich? Where is she taking you tonight? Oh! Even better, show me a picture of her!"

I groan but lift my head from his shoulder and reply. "There's nothing more to tell, I barely know her. She's taking me to an Italian place near the hotel we stayed at the last time." Taking out my phone, I hesitantly show him the picture of Elora from her application.

To that, he's quick to whistle. "Dammmn, primo. You're telling me no one's ever tapped that?" he exclaims humorously. I roll my eyes, turn my phone back off and whack him over the head.

"Don't talk like that. Jesus, sometimes I'm embarrassed to be related to you," I tell him, brushing my sudden irritation off as basic human decency.

"¡Chicos! Volved a meter vuestros culos perezosos dentro y ayudad a vuestras pobres madres," my aunt, aka Cai's mother yells through the back door, telling us to get our lazy asses back inside and to help them.

We exchange a glance, are still for a moment, then both jump to our feet and race towards the door, each yelling an excuse about how the other is to blame for our slacking behavior. Just like we've been doing all our lives.

If y'all don't follow my TikTok, idk what you're doing. wyoursecret3 my peeps, go check out my videos;)

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