Chapter 25

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I've been itching for my date with Elora ever since I left the hotel room three days ago. At this point, I am sure she is a witch because she's been occupying my mind so viciously that there's no other explanation.

I go to sleep only to dream of her, I work at the restaurant only to mess up orders because I daydream about her. I mean, I've been worried about my infatuation with her before but after what she did to me the last time, it's become so much worse.

It's like the image of her kneeling between my legs, her cheeks hollow and her eyes teary, is seared onto the insides of my eyelids, ready to haunt me whenever I close my eyes. It has become so bad that even the scent of fucking flowers reminds me of her perfume. Most ridiculously of all, whenever the sun manages to break through the heavy clouds still lingering above the city, all the sight of the sunbeam does is make me think of her.

I am so fucked. Not literally. For a change, it's mentally and I am not sure what's preferable.

Even my family is growing suspicious. My mom and aunt have been side-eyeing me and making comments about what I am doing on all my nights out. Of course, I lied to them as I always do when the truth is related to my secret job.

They did not seem convinced.

Now I am walking down the street towards the familiar silhouette standing outside the restaurant we're having dinner at, my heart beating weirdly in my chest the closer I get. Elora hasn't seen me yet, too busy frowning at her phone to notice me several feet away.

I slow my pace, taking advantage of her obliviousness to check her out. She's leaning against the building's clean wall, her hair down around her face as always. Her phone's screen illuminates her face enough for me to see the reddish tint the cold has brought to her nose and cheeks.

I smile to myself, then almost trip over my feet when I realize it. Why the fuck am I smiling like that? I can feel it on my face. This isn't my usual work smile. This feels genuine and easy and it's freaking me the hell out.

My hands turn damp at my sides and I decide I've lingered long enough. As soon as my pace picks up, the noise of my long strides makes the girl look up and a beautiful smile replaces her frown. I try to smile back, all the while reminding myself that I'm a prostitute and she is a customer. That's all.

Since subtly wiping my hands on my slacks is a lost cause, I decide to lean in and kiss the girl hello instead only to regret it when my heart skips a beat altogether.

"Hi," she says softly, blushing as she pulls away.

I smile down at her with that unwelcome smile that I can't seem to help. "Hello, beautiful. Come on, let's go inside, you're cold." Touching her shaking arm over her coat, I lead us inside the cozy little diner.

"I hope you like burgers. I seriously think I need a break from Italian food," she tells me as we get led to the table. I smile, rubbing her shoulder as she leans into me before letting go to pull back her chair.

"I'll survive," I tease her, taking my seat with the insufferable smile still bright on my face. Hell, it's already making my cheeks hurt but I can't seem to fucking help myself. Elora lifts a knowing brow.

"You're in a great mood," she remarks, softly turning her empty wine glass with two slender fingers. Like all the times after the first date, it isn't lost on me that the wine glass at my place has already been taken away. I think Elora has that done to be thoughtful since I might've made it sound like I'm sober the first time we met. I am not but I still appreciate it.

"Naturally. I am on a date with a truly captivating woman in a red dress, after all," I tease her, allowing my eyes a quick detour to the neckline of the satin dress.

My date hums. "Well, if she is wearing a red dress," she trails off with a self-satisfied smirk, radiating the kind of confidence she's been building up to. I try not to notice too much about this woman but when it comes to her behavior, I can't help but feel proud at how she visibly opens up more to me every time we meet.


Two hours later, we're leaving the restaurant, lingering just outside like we're both thinking the same thing. I don't think I want to go back to our room already. Throughout all of dinner, we had stimulating conversations and I'd love to let it go on.

Of course, I don't say anything of the sort since she isn't paying me to talk to her or make her laugh. She wants to stock up on sexual experience in a safe environment until she eventually moves on from me.

That's why I'm all the more surprised when she clears her throat and proposes we take the long route to the hotel. "Now that spring is coming, the first flowers are blooming. We could walk through the park," she proposes.

Feeling equal parts excitement and foreboding, I pay attention to keep my voice level as I reply, "Sure, sounds good. But only if you put on some music. I've been dying to figure out what sort of music you like. I honestly can't place you."

We keep talking as she starts leading the way. "I don't think you'd like the sort of music I know. Not that it's much in the first place. All I ever listen to are traditional Greek songs and that's only at big reunions and parties in Attica."

"I'm sure you believe me when I tell you I don't have the slightest idea what a song like that may sound like. Just put one on. I need to know now," I urge her on, bumping my shoulder against her.

"I don't know a specific title," she insists, blushing once more and avoiding my eyes by looking at the flowers around us. No matter how captivating the view might be to her, I allow myself to bring a finger to her chin to make her look at me.

"Just let something play from your playlist. Just so I can get an idea," I ask softly.

"I don't have a playlist. I'm not the deejay at those parties, Alexey," she insists as if it were obvious.

"So you are telling me you don't have a single playlist you like to listen to. What about the radio in the car? There's no song you ever heard that you liked enough to learn the name of?" I push, smiling at the unfamiliarity of this conversation. I swear sometimes I feel like this woman is from another planet.

"We never have the radio on in the car," she simply provides.

"Oh, come on," I groan. "What about movie soundtracks?"

"Stop prying. You're just going to laugh at me." She groans and buries her head into my shoulder as we walk, another display of how comfortable she is with me. I smile and wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"I can't promise that I won't laugh but now I need an answer because you made me think it'll be good." I really should shut up. I know that. Normally, we keep our dinners rather short and move right to the point of these dates. That and leaving right after the main event are safety measures to keep the lines of our agreement as clear as possible. To stop myself from getting too damn attached.

Still, it's been established that Elora is a witch and I am fully under her spell, too intrigued to stop prying, as she called it.

"I don't watch movies. If I do, they're the Greek version of telenovelas or something similar. I think you can guess the sort of music I'm greeted with there."

We're both silent for a second. I try really hard to keep it that way. Eventually, it gets too hard though and I burst out laughing. Elora groans, burying her face further into my chest as it quakes with my laughter.

"You're something else," I tell her between deep breaths.

"You're mean. Stop laughing and show me what you listen to instead, if you're so much better than me," the girl in my arms pouts.

Finally managing to stop laughing, I tell her, "I'm not better than you, Sunshine. My cousin has described my taste in music as horrendous on multiple occasions. I've just never heard of anyone like you."

"Great," she mumbles, unconvinced.

"Oh, don't be grouchy. You know what, I'll show you my cousin's music so we can go back to being a united front and make fun of him instead. Deal?" I propose, content when she finally smiles up at me and nods.

Next few chapters r definitely something to look forward to;)

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