Chapter 48

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After my shower, putting on a nice outfit, and some make-up, I feel more like myself. Still, my nerves make my hands tremble in my lap as Iris and I sit across from our parents in my dad's study. This is the most rebellious thing I've done all my life and I am terrified about the consequences. Now that I've let myself hope for a different outcome, I'm scared of having the chance snatched away once more.

No longer being engaged wouldn't change my current situation with Alexey but it gives me hope that we could figure something out. Of course, I'd have to see him and we'd need to talk about so much first but still. There would be hope.

Did I hear him say that I'm nothing more than a client a few days ago? Yes, I did. Did I see the way he always looked at me, felt the way he held me, and heard the way he talked to me? Yes, I did all of those things and in my mind, they weigh a hell of a lot more. Or in my heart, they do. Whatever.

"So, you're telling me you don't want to marry Leander?" my father asks me slowly, his face giving nothing away. I swallow thickly and nod. He turns to Iris. "And you do?" She mirrors my action. My dad sighs. "Well, I'll have to talk to him about it. It would have been a lot easier if you girls had figured all of this out months ago." His eyes move back and forth between our faces. "I'll figure it out. The wedding is still months away and he's only seen you two a couple of times. I'm sure he won't mind," he finally amends. I release a deep sigh.

That's good. When my dad says he'll get something right, he does.

He dismisses us only to stop me when I'm halfway out the door. "Elora, can you stay for a minute?" he asks. I nod and turn back as he dismisses my mom with a kiss on her knuckles and a smile.

Once the door closes behind her, my father addresses me. "I want you to know I am not mad, Elora. I'd just like to understand," he tells me, and something inside of me twists and releases.

"I met someone," I tell him. Then, because it feels good to finally confess my truths, I go on. "But even before that, I wasn't sure about the marriage. All I've ever wanted was to make you proud and I would have gone through with it for the family but I don't think my heart would have been in it. I'm not against marriage, but I want more than what Leander would have needed from me. I'm sorry." My voice wobbles but once the words are out, my chest feels a million pounds lighter.

My dad remains oddly still for a second. Then his face cracks and I'm shocked to see him stand up, round the table, and pull me into his arms. We are not the hugging type. Which is to say, we don't hug. I don't remember the last time my dad held me.

After my initial reaction, I melt into the embrace and allow his musky scent to melt away my troubles. My eyes sting, I sniffle once but manage to keep my emotions at bay other than that. I wasn't aware of how badly I needed this.

"I am sorry, I hadn't realized that. Your sister doesn't feel the same way?" he asks me, pulling away.

"She assured me marrying him is what she wanted. I never would have come here if I wasn't assured," I tell him. It only seems to make his shoulders drop.

"I am afraid that's true." He doesn't elaborate and straightens in his seat instead. "Now, tell me about the person you met." I'm surprised by his interest in my personal life. So surprised that I momentarily forget how to use words.

I finally clear my voice. "It's very complicated right now. He and I have a lot to talk about."

"Is he the reason you haven't come out of your room all week?" he asks me knowingly. I nod. "You do know that I'd do anything for you, don't you, Elora? Whether you need to talk or have me take care of someone. Or even a- a shoulder to cry on," he tells me, looking so uncomfortable it's cute. I don't know where his sudden need to be more openly affectionate comes from but I appreciate it. I hope my smile tells him as much because I'm scared my emotions might overcome me if I tried to tell him.

He clears his throat. "All right, I'll let you get back to it then," he says.

I get up but hesitate. Now that we've communicated more than we ever have before, I feel like there's something else I should tell him. "Dad, about the monthly payments. I know I've told you this before but I'm making my own money by selling my photographs online. More than enough. I've saved everything you guys have given me since I could support myself in a separate account and I would really like to pay it back. My work doesn't distract me from getting my degree, I can promise you that."

I watch as a slow, rare smile spreads on the man's lips as he nods to himself. "Just like your father. I never liked being in dept either. I will stop the transactions if that is what you want but if there is any better way for you to spend the money you already have, keep it. It never hurts to have a safety net."

"Thank you," I tell him. Then I leave the study and head to my room, set on figuring out a game plan for my other problem. The problem concerning a certain hazel-eyed man. I have to talk to him. If he decides he truly doesn't see me as anything other than a client, then I want to end what we have on a better note. I owe him that, and more importantly, I owe myself that because to me, it was real.

Things r looking up now that at least one of them has grown some balls lmao

Here u go with the much demanded update:) I repeat, I update dailyyy

Have a great day and don't forget to vote<3

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