Chapter 1

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I feel sick, strewn across my bed, Cyno's jokes ran through my head, bouncing around, on and off the walls. I covered my ears.


That stupid guy is actually a elite scholar chosen by the Akademia? I was chosen for my extreme knowledge on medicine, poisons, etc. (Honestly they only let me in because they didn't want me to poison anyone to get in.)
"Lisa, do you have any idea who Cyno is?" I inquire.

"Oh yes he's in my Aggravation, Speed-up, and Hyperbloom Botany course."

Chemical Botany class? Focused on Electro-Dendro reactions....So he does like botany? Interesting.

"How well does he do in that class. He seemed like a slacker when I met him....or well, he was sleeping not even just doodling. Oh any he made the stupidest jokes! Drove me up the wall. They weren't even funny," I said gritting my teeth.

"Oh, come on...Cyno is trying to be less serious. I don't think they need to be good to get that across. Anyway, I don't believe talking about a classmate behind his back will lead to divine wisdom from the God of Wisdom." Lisa scolded.

"I suppose," I shifted in my seat back to my textbook.

Jokes that aren't good don't change the mood around you...right. I mean if you truly want to make people laugh making a bad joke isn't the route you should choose.

"Lisa, old buddy, old pal! Have you seen Sohreh? She seems to have run off for our experiment but I can't find her," some creepy pale guy smiled.

"Sohreh? She said she was going to investigate a ruinguard. The dessert is far so check the forest first. Sorry Zandik," Lisa apologized returning back to me, "I'm sure Cyno just wants to be your friend, so ask him to hang out. Study. Legit anything, but I for the sake of Knowledge will no longer speak on this anymore."

Lisa got up as her chair screeched across the library tile. Her bag swung to her side and the Sumeru rose in her hair glittered under the lights. Lisa's bag was filled with books, but she grabbed for a small container. She opened it put it to her mouth and placed it back in her bag.

Is she going to go seek for knowledge even though she already is top of her class? Gods please make her stop. She'll lose herself at this rate.

With that she was gone and so was the creep who spoke with her only a few minutes prior. Zandik, truly a creepy individual, but if he is going out for research he must be an upperclassman.

I get up and grab my stuff too...I have to get to Botany, and if I am lucky I will tell that bozo how silly it is to not tell good jokes, and if he wanted to be my friend to just ask.



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