Chapter 9.5

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When I went to bed that night it felt surreal.

Cyno has a brother? Him not telling me was fine, but he just met him himself??

I thought long and hard but eventually fell asleep.


When I awoke I was in the small hut that I had been sharing with Cyno. He looked a bit older, but not enough for me to ask too many questions. He smiled and placed a plate on the table, "Come eat. I'll go down to get Collei."

I got up out of the leave bed and made it as best as I could. I examined myself in the mirror and saw I too looked just slightly older.

Was my dream set in the future of my past dreams?

I sat down at the table and looked over the plate. Nothing special, just a mushroom dish, soup? No...more like a stew.

Cyno came back with a girl, and she was in fact just the same as I remembered, except taller and now wore a completely different style.

I smiled and gestured for them to come over.

Collie sat closest to me and Cyno sat across from me. We really did look like a family, just like last time...

"Collei, you look so mature? Since when did you change?" I asked.

Collei looked at me as blushed, "Mr. Tighanari, when did you notice?? Did Cyno tell you??"

Cyno shook his head and so did I, "No you just look quite pretty today," I replied.

Cyno smiled and looked down at his food and tried to eat. Collei dropped her spoon and looked down to the side.


"Did I say something wrong??" I asked, "I'm sorry! Collei don't cry, or something!"

Cyno started laughing as Collei's face ballooned.

"Tigh, you never say stuff like that, what's the change?" Cyno asked.

"Huh? Really? I should really start telling her that more, Collei you really are pretty," I apologized.

The table went totally silent after that.


I woke up in pain but brushed it off.  The IV that I carried around with me was as I put it last night, but slightly closer to me.

A nurse, that must be it!

I turn around to see Cyno lying on the sofa with Razor in tow.

"Awake," Razor barked.

Cyno jumped up to coddle me or smother me with questions, but immediately he got up and then fell right down.

"Cyno?!" I called out.

He was unresponsive.

"Didn't sleep. Worried that you hide pain from Lupical," Razor replied.

Hide my pain? No I felt fine-why would he think that?

"Like lupical? Is bad, lupical leaves with me. Move to Forest," Razor warned.

I didn't quite understand but asked, "Why would he move to the forest? He has school."

"Live with me."

I tried to ask more but Razor went unresponsive.

I'll ask Cyno when he wakes up...

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